The installation packages

Download and view the installation image for COBOL for Linux® on x86 1.2 before installation.

Download the electronic distribution package

The package for the licensed version is available for download at IBM Passport Advantage®.

The installation image

The image includes the following files:
  • README files and license agreement files
  • An installation tool, install, to install and configure the compiler based on distribution.
  • A subdirectory that contains files for the compiler, which includes the following files:
    • A README file
    • A set of RPM packages
    • A set of dpkg packages
Table 1 lists the packages that are supplied with the installation image, and the default locations to which they are installed during a default installation. To view the package information and the package file list, enter the following rpm or dpkg command:
rpm -qpil package_name
dpkg -f package_name
Table 1. COBOL for Linux on x86 1.2 packages and default installation locations
Package name Package description Default installation location
COBOL for Linux on x86 compiler package
(Not redistributable)
COBOL for Linux on x86 runtime environment package
(Not redistributable)
cobol.dbg.1.2.0 COBOL for Linux on x86 debug engine package. (Not distributable) /opt/ibm/cobol/debug
COBOL for Linux on x86 license files
(Not redistributable)
Note: /opt/ibm/ is the default prefix for installation of images. During installation you may choose to change the default location by modifying the prefix value. The runtime package is always installed to /opt/ibm/cobol/rte and the debug engine package is always installed to /opt/ibm/cobol/debug, since these packages are common across versions.

National language support

COBOL for Linux on x86 1.2 compiler and messages support the following language locales:
  • en_US
  • en_US.iso88591 (or en_US.ISO-8859-1)
  • en_US.utf8 (or en_US.UTF-8)
  • ja_JP (or ja_JP.EUC-JP)
  • ja_JP.utf8 (or ja_JP.UTF-8)

English (en_US) is the default national language. Following the installation step, you can set the NLSPATH so that messages are displayed in a different language. See Enabling the error messages.