Terminology used for intermediate results

To understand this information about intermediate results, you need to understand the following terminology.

The number of integer places carried for an intermediate result. (If you use the ROUNDED phrase, one more integer place might be carried for accuracy if necessary.)
The number of decimal places carried for an intermediate result. (If you use the ROUNDED phrase, one more decimal place might be carried for accuracy if necessary.)
In a particular statement, the largest of the following items:
  • The number of decimal places needed for the final result field or fields
  • The maximum number of decimal places defined for any operand, except divisors or exponents
  • The outer-dmax for any function operand
In reference to a function, the largest of the following items:
  • The number of decimal places defined for any of its elementary arguments
  • The dmax for any of its arithmetic expression arguments
  • The outer-dmax for any of its embedded functions
The number of decimal places that a function result contributes to operations outside of its own evaluation (for example, if the function is an operand in an arithmetic expression, or an argument to another function).
The first operand in a generated arithmetic statement (in division, the divisor).
The second operand in a generated arithmetic statement (in division, the dividend).
i1 , i2
The number of integer places in op1 and op2, respectively.
d1 , d2
The number of decimal places in op1 and op2, respectively.
The intermediate result when a generated arithmetic statement or operation is performed. (Intermediate results are generated either in registers or storage locations.)
ir1 , ir2
Successive intermediate results. (Successive intermediate results might have the same storage location.)

Related references  
ROUNDED phrase (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)