Updating a default installation

Updates to the compiler are supplied as fix packs. You can follow the instructions in this section to download, decompress, and install the fix packs.


  1. Download the fix pack that you want into an empty directory.
  2. Restore the compressed file and extract the fix pack filesets from the downloaded package.
    To decompress and unpack the TAR file, use the following command:
    tar -zxvf package_name.tar.gz
    where package_name is the name of the fix pack that you downloaded.
  3. Install the fix pack:
    • Run the install utility:
    • Alternatively, you can install the fix pack manually:
      • On RHEL:
        rpm -Uvh images/rhel/*.rpm
      • On SLES:
        rpm -Uvh images/sles/*.rpm
      • On Ubuntu:
        dpkg -iG images/ubuntu/*.deb