Fixing differences caused by data representations
To ensure the same behavior for your programs, you should understand the differences in certain ways of representing data, and take appropriate action.
About this task
Character data might be represented differently, depending on the
clause that describes data items and the locale that is in effect at run
time. COBOL stores signed packed-decimal in the same manner on
both Linux® on x86 and IBM® z/OS®. However, binary, external-decimal, floating-point, and unsigned packed-decimal data are by default represented differently.
Most programs behave the same on IBM z/OS and Linux on x86 regardless of the data representation.
Related tasks
Handling differences in ASCII SBCS and EBCDIC SBCS characters
Handling differences in IEEE and hexadecimal data
Handling differences in ASCII multibyte and EBCDIC DBCS strings
Handling differences in ASCII SBCS and EBCDIC SBCS characters
Handling differences in IEEE and hexadecimal data
Handling differences in ASCII multibyte and EBCDIC DBCS strings