Handling XML GENERATE exceptions

When an error is detected during generation of XML output, an exception condition exists. You can write code to check the XML-CODE special register, which contains a numeric exception code that indicates the error type.

About this task

To handle errors, use either or both of the following phrases of the XML GENERATE statement:


If you code the ON EXCEPTION phrase in the XML GENERATE statement, control is transferred to the imperative statement that you specify. You might code an imperative statement, for example, to display the XML-CODE value. If you do not code an ON EXCEPTION phrase, control is transferred to the end of the XML GENERATE statement.

When an error occurs, one problem might be that the data item that receives the XML output is not large enough. In that case, the XML output is not complete, and the XML-CODE special register contains error code 400.

You can examine the generated XML output by doing these steps:


  1. Code the COUNT IN phrase in the XML GENERATE statement.

    The count field that you specify holds a count of the XML character encoding units that are filled during XML generation. If you define the XML output as national, the count is in UTF-16 character encoding units; for all other encodings (including for UTF-8), the count is in bytes.

  2. Use the count field as a reference modification length to refer to the substring of the receiving data item that contains the XML characters that were generated until the point when the error occurred.

    For example, if XML-OUTPUT is the data item that receives the XML output, and XML-CHAR-COUNT is the count field, then XML-OUTPUT(1:XML-CHAR-COUNT) references the XML output.


Use the contents of XML-CODE to determine what corrective action to take. For a list of the exceptions that can occur during XML generation, see the related reference below.

Related references    
XML GENERATE exceptions
XML-CODE (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)