Example: embedded map summary

The following example shows an embedded map summary from specifying the MAP option. The summary appears in the right margin of the listing for lines in the DATA DIVISION that contain data declarations.

 000002                Identification Division.                                              |
 000003                                                                                      |
 000004                Program-id.    EMBMAP.                                                |
     . . .                                                                                   |
 000176                Data division.                                                        |
 000177                File section.                                                         |
 000178                                                                                      |
 000179                                                                                      |
 000180                FD  COMMUTER-FILE                                                     |
 000181                    record 80 characters.                                             |      (1)   (2) 
 000182                  01 commuter-record.                                                 |       80
 000183                    05 commuter-key                 PIC x(16).                        |       16(0000000)
 000184                    05 filler                       PIC x(64).                        |       64(0000016)
     . . .                                                                                   |    
 000221         IA1620   01 print-record                   pic x(121).                       |      121
     . . .                                                                                   |    
 000227                Working-storage section.                                              |    
 000228                  01 Working-storage-for-EMBMAP     pic x.                            |        1
 000229                                                                                      |    
 000230                  77 comp-code                      pic S9999 comp.                   |        2
 000231                  77 ws-type                        pic x(3)   value spaces.          |        3
 000232                                                                                      |    
 000233                                                                                      |    
 000234                  01 i-f-status-area.                                                 |        2
 000235                    05 i-f-file-status              pic x(2).                         |        2(0000000)
 000236                      88 i-o-successful             value zeroes.                     |IMP 
 000237                                                                                      |    
 000238                                                                                      |   
 000239                  01 status-area.                                                     |        8
 000240                    05 commuter-file-status         pic x(2).                         |(3)     2(0000000)
 000241                      88 i-o-okay                   value zeroes.                     |IMP 
     . . .                                                                                   |    
 000246                                                                                      |    
 000247                  77 update-file-status             pic xx.                           |        2
 000248                  77 loccode-file-status            pic xx.                           |        2
 000249                  77 updprint-file-status           pic xx.                           |        2
     . . .                                                                                   |    
 000877                procedure division.                                                   |    
 000878                  000-do-main-logic.                                                  |    
 000879                    display "PROGRAM EMBMAP - Beginning".                             |    
 000880                    perform 050-create-stl-main-file.                               |931 
     . . .                                                                                   |

Decimal length of data item
Hexadecimal displacement from the beginning of the base locator value
Special definition symbols:
The user name is undefined.
The user name is defined more than once.
An implicitly defined name, such as special registers or figurative constants.
An intrinsic function reference.
An external reference.