When you use SEQUENCE, the compiler examines columns 1 through 6 to check that the source statements are arranged in ascending order according to their ASCII collating sequence. The compiler issues a diagnostic message if any statements are not in ascending order.

Source statements with blanks in columns 1 through 6 do not participate in this sequence check and do not result in messages.

SEQUENCE option syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSEQUENCENOSEQUENCE

Default is: SEQUENCE

Abbreviations are: SEQ | NOSEQ

If you use COPY statements with the SEQUENCE option in effect, be sure that your source program's sequence fields and the copybook sequence fields are coordinated.

If you use NUMBER and SEQUENCE, the sequence is checked according to numeric, rather than ASCII, collating sequence.

Use NOSEQUENCE to suppress this checking and the diagnostic messages.