specifies whether each of the
outermost COBOL programs in a batch compilation is to be generated
as a separate object file rather than as a single object file.
Batch compilation
outermost programs (nonnested programs) are compiled with a single
batch invocation of the compiler, the number of files produced for
the object program output of the batch compilation depends on the
compiler option SEPOBJ
Assume that the COBOL
source file pgm.cbl contains three outermost COBOL programs named pgm1
, pgm2
and pgm3
. The following figures illustrate whether
the object program output is generated as one file (with NOSEPOBJ
or three
files (with SEPOBJ
compilation with NOSEPOBJ
Batch compilation with SEPOBJ
Usage notes
- The
option is required to conform to 85 COBOL Standard wherepgm2
in the above example is called usingCALL
identifier from another program. - If
is in effect, the object files are given the name of the source file but with suffix .o. IfSEPOBJ
is in effect, the names of the object files are based on thePROGRAM-ID
name with suffix .o. - The programs called using
identifier must be referred to by the names of the object files (rather than thePROGRAM-ID
names) wherePROGRAM-ID
and the object file name do not match.
You must give the object file a valid file-name for the platform and the file system.