

Uses xxx as a configuration file or a stanza rather than the defaults specified in the /opt/ibm/cobol/1.2.0/etc/cob2.cfg configuration file. xxx has one of the following forms:
  • configuration_file:stanza
  • configuration_file
  • :stanza

This option applies to both compiling and linking.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram -F file_path:stanza:stanza


By default, the compiler uses the configuration file that is supplied at installation time, and uses the stanza defined in that file for the invocation command currently being used.



The full path name of the alternate compiler configuration file to use.


The name of the configuration file stanza to use for compilation. This directs the compiler to use the entries under that stanza regardless of the invocation command being used.

Related references  
Stanzas in the configuration file