Use DYNAM to cause nonnested, separately compiled programs invoked through the CALL literal statement to be loaded for CALL, and deleted for CANCEL, dynamically at run time.

CALL identifier statements always result in a runtime load of the target program and are not affected by this option.

DYNAM option syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNODYNAMDYNAM

Default is: NODYNAM

Abbreviations are: DYN | NODYN

The condition for the ON EXCEPTION phrase can occur for a CALL literal statement only if the DYNAM option is in effect.

Restriction: The DYNAM compiler option must not be used for programs that contain EXEC CICS® or EXEC SQL statements.

With NODYNAM, the target program-name is resolved through the linker.

With the DYNAM option, the following statement:

CALL "myprogram" . . .

has the identical behavior to these statements:

MOVE "myprogram" to id-1
CALL id-1 ...

Related concepts  
CALL identifier and CALL literal
CALLINTERFACE (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)

Related references  
Conflicting compiler options