You can use the CURRENCY option to provide an alternate default currency symbol to be used for a COBOL program. (The default currency symbol is the dollar sign ($).)

CURRENCY option syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNOCURRENCYCURRENCY( literal)

Default is: NOCURRENCY

Abbreviations are: CURR | NOCURR

NOCURRENCY specifies that no alternate default currency symbol will be used.

To change the default currency symbol, specify CURRENCY(literal), where literal is a valid COBOL alphanumeric literal (optionally a hexadecimal literal) that represents a single character. The literal must not be from the following list:

  • Digits zero (0) through nine (9)
  • Uppercase alphabetic characters A B C D E G N P R S V X Z or their lowercase equivalents
  • The space
  • Special characters * + - / , . ; ( ) " =
  • A figurative constant
  • A null-terminated literal
  • A DBCS literal
  • A national literal

If your program processes only one currency type, you can use the CURRENCY option as an alternative to the CURRENCY SIGN clause for indicating the currency symbol you will use in the PICTURE clause of your program. If your program processes more than one currency type, you should use the CURRENCY SIGN clause with the WITH PICTURE SYMBOL phrase to specify the different currency sign types.

If you use both the CURRENCY option and the CURRENCY SIGN clause in a program, the CURRENCY option is ignored. Currency symbols specified in the CURRENCY SIGN clause or clauses can be used in PICTURE clauses.

When the NOCURRENCY option is in effect and you omit the CURRENCY SIGN clause, the dollar sign ($) is used as the PICTURE symbol for the currency sign.

Delimiter: You can delimit the CURRENCY option literal with either quotation marks or apostrophes, regardless of the APOST|QUOTE compiler option setting.

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Using currency signs