The CICS compiler option enables the integrated CICS® translator and lets you specify CICS suboptions. You must use the CICS option if your COBOL source program contains EXEC CICS statements and the program has not been processed by the separate CICS translator.

CICS option syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNOCICSCICS(" CICS-suboption-string")

Default is: NOCICS

Abbreviations are: None

Use the CICS option only to compile CICS programs. Programs compiled with the CICS option will not run in a non-CICS environment.

Ensure you set the following environment variables before compiling:
export NLSPATH=<CICS install dir>/msg/%L/%N:$NLSPATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<CICS install dir>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you specify the NOCICS option, any CICS statements found in the source program are diagnosed and discarded.

Use either quotation marks or apostrophes to delimit the string of CICS suboptions.

You can use the syntax shown above in either the CBL or PROCESS statement. If you use the CICS option in the cob2 or cob2_r command, only the single quotation mark (') can be used as the string delimiter: -q"CICS('options')".

You can partition a long CICS suboption string into multiple suboption strings in multiple CBL or PROCESS statements. The CICS suboptions are concatenated in the order of their appearance. For example, suppose that your source file mypgm.cbl has the following code:

cbl . . . CICS("string2") . . .
cbl . . . CICS("string3") . . .

When you issue the command cob2_r mypgm.cbl -q"CICS('string1')", the compiler passes the following suboption string to the integrated CICS translator:

"string1 string2 string3"

The concatenated strings are delimited with single spaces as shown. If multiple instances of the same CICS suboption are found, the last specification of that suboption in the concatenated string prevails. The compiler limits the size of the concatenated suboption string to 4 KB.

Related concepts  
Integrated CICS translator

Related references   
Conflicting compiler options