Using package and bindfile-names

Two of the suboptions that you can specify with the SQL option are package name and bindfile name. If you do not specify these names, default names are constructed based on the source file-name for a nonbatch compilation or on the first program for a batch compilation.

About this task

For subsequent nonnested programs of a batch compilation, the names are based on the PROGRAM-ID of each program.

For the package name, the base name (the source file-name or the PROGRAM-ID) is modified as follows:

  • Names longer than eight characters are truncated to eight characters.
  • Lowercase letters are folded to uppercase.
  • Any character other than A-Z, 0-9, or _ (underscore) is changed to 0.
  • If the first character is not alphabetic, it is changed to A.

Thus if the base name is 9123aB-cd, the package name is A123AB0C.

For the bindfile-name, the suffix .bnd is added to the base name. Unless explicitly specified, the file-name is relative to the current directory.