ROUNDED phrase
After decimal point alignment, the number of places in the fraction of the result of an arithmetic operation is compared with the number of places provided for the fraction of the resultant identifier.
When the size of the fractional result exceeds the number of places provided for its storage, truncation occurs unless ROUNDED is specified. When ROUNDED is specified, the least significant digit of the resultant identifier is increased by 1 whenever the most significant digit of the excess is greater than or equal to 5.
When the resultant identifier is described by a PICTURE clause that contains rightmost Ps and when the number of places in the calculated result exceeds the number of integer positions specified, rounding or truncation occurs relative to the rightmost integer position for which storage is allocated.
In a floating-point arithmetic operation, the ROUNDED phrase has no effect; the result of a floating-point operation is always rounded. For more information on floating-point arithmetic expressions, see Fixed-point contrasted with floating-point arithmetic in the COBOL for Linux® on x86 Programming Guide.
When the ARITH(EXTEND) or ARITH(FULL) compiler option is in effect, the ROUNDED phrase is not supported for arithmetic receivers with 31 digit positions to the right of the decimal point. For example, neither X nor Y below is valid as a receiver with the ROUNDED phrase:
01 X PIC V31.
01 Y PIC P(30)9(1).
. . .
Otherwise, the ROUNDED phrase is fully supported for extended-precision arithmetic statements.