Example: MSGEXIT user exit

The following example shows a MSGEXIT user-exit module that changes message severities and suppresses messages.

You can also find the complete source code for the example in the samples subdirectory of the COBOL install directory (typically in /opt/ibm/cobol/1.2.0/samples/msgexit).

For helpful tips about using a message-exit module, see the comments within the code.

*  IGYMSGXT - Sample COBOL program for MSGEXIT                  *
*  Function:  This is a SAMPLE user exit for the MSGEXIT        *
*             suboption of the EXIT compiler option.  This exit *
*             can be used to customize the severity of or       *
*             suppress compiler diagnostic messages and FIPS    *
*             messages.  This example program includes several  *
*             sample customizations to show how customizations  *
*             are done.  Feel free to change the customizations *
*             as appropriate to meet your requirements.         *
*                                                               *
*  COMPILE NOTE: To prepare a compiler user exit in COBOL,      *
*                it should be a shared library module:          *
*   cob2 -o IGYMSGXT -q32 IGYMSGXT.cbl -e IGYMSGXT              *
*                                                               *
*  USAGE NOTE: The compiler needs to have access to IGYMSGXT at *
*              compile time, so set LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly:*
*                                                               *
*   EX:       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u1/cobdev/exits:          *
*             $LD_LIBRARY_PATH                                  *
*                                                               *
*               (This assumes the shared object is in           *
*                 /u1/cobdev/exits )                            *
*                                                               *
 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                        
 PROGRAM-ID.  IGYMSGXT.                                          
 DATA DIVISION.                                                  
   WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                                      
*                                                               *
*   Local variables.                                            *
*                                                               *
    77 EXIT-TYPEN            PIC 9(4).                           
    77 EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS PIC X.                              
*                                                               *
*   Definition of the User-Exit Parameter List, which is        *
*   passed from the COBOL compiler to the user-exit module      *
*                                                               *
   LINKAGE SECTION.                                              
    01 UXPARM.
       02 EXIT-TYPE        PIC 9(4)   COMP.
       02 EXIT-OPERATION   PIC 9(4)   COMP.
       02 EXIT-RETURNCODE  PIC 9(9)   COMP.
       02 EXIT-DATALENGTH  PIC 9(9)   COMP.
       02 EXIT-DATA        POINTER.
       02 EXIT-WORK-AREA.
       02 EXIT-PARMS       POINTER.
       02 EXIT-LINFO       PIC X(8).
          03 EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM PIC 9(4)   COMP.
          03 EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV PIC 9(4)   COMP.
          03 EXIT-USER-SEV    PIC S9(4)  COMP.

          03 EXIT-STR-LEN PIC 9(4)   COMP.
          03 EXIT-STR-TXT PIC X(64).
*                                                               *
*  Begin PROCEDURE DIVISION                                     *
*                                                               *
*  Invoke the section to handle the exit.                       *
*                                                               *
 Procedure Division Using UXPARM.

     Set Address of EXIT-STRINGS to EXIT-PARMS
     COMPUTE EXIT-RETURNCODE = 0                                 
     Evaluate TRUE                                                                                                                
* Handle a bad invocation of this exit by the compiler.         *
* This could happen if this routine was used for one of the     *
* other EXITs, such as INEXIT, PRTEXIT or LIBEXIT.              *
       When EXIT-TYPE Not = 6                                    
	   Move EXIT-TYPE   to  EXIT-TYPEN                         
         Display '**** Invalid exit routine identifier'          
         Display '**** EXIT TYPE =  '  EXIT-TYPE                 
         Compute EXIT-RETURNCODE = 16                            
* Handle the OPEN call to this exit by the compiler             *
*        Display the exit string (labeled 'str5' in the syntax  *
*        diagram in the COBOL for Linux Programming Guide) from   *
*        the EXIT(MSGEXIT('str5',mod5)) option specification.   *
*        (Note that str5 is placed in element 6 of the array of *
*        user exit parameter strings.)                          *
       When EXIT-OPERATION = 0                                   
*        Display 'Opening MSGEXIT'                               
*        If EXIT-STR-LEN(6) Not Zero Then                        
*          Display ' str5 len = ' EXIT-STR-LEN(6)             
*          Display ' str5 = ' EXIT-STR-TXT(6)(1:EXIT-STR-LEN(6))    
*        End-If                                                  
* Handle the CLOSE call to this exit by the compiler            *
*        NOTE: Unlike the z/OS MSGEXIT, you must not use        *
*             STOP RUN here.  On Linux, use GOBACK.               *
       When EXIT-OPERATION = 1                                   
*        Display 'Closing MSGEXIT'                               
* Handle the customize message severity call to this exit       *
*        Display information about every customized severity.   *
       When EXIT-OPERATION = 5                                   
*        Display 'MSGEXIT called with MSGSEV'                    
         If EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM < 8000 Then                      
           Perform Error-Messages-Severity                      
           Perform FIPS-Messages-Severity                       
*        If EXIT-RETURNCODE = 4 Then                             
*          Display '>>>> Customizing message ' EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM
*                  ' with new severity ' EXIT-USER-SEV '  <<<<'
*          If EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM > 8000 Then                       
*            Display 'FIPS sev =' EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS '<<<<' 
*          End-If                                                
*        End-If                                                  
* Handle a bad invocation of this exit by the compiler          *
* The compiler should not invoke this exit with EXIT-TYPE = 6   *
* and an opcode other than 0, 1, or 5.  This should not happen  *
* and IBM service should be contacted if it does.               *
       When Other                                                
         Display '**** Invalid MSGEXIT routine operation '       
         Display '**** EXIT OPCODE =  '  EXIT-OPERATION          
         Compute EXIT-RETURNCODE = 16                            
*    ERROR MESSAGE   PROCESSOR                                 *
*    Assume message severity will be customized...              
     COMPUTE EXIT-RETURNCODE = 4                                
     Evaluate EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM                                   
*      Change severity of message 1154(W) to 12 ("S")           
*      This is the case of redefining a large item              
*      with a smaller item, IBM Req # MR0904063236              
         COMPUTE EXIT-USER-SEV = 12                             
*      Message severity Not customized                          
       When Other                                               
         COMPUTE EXIT-RETURNCODE = 0                            
*    FIPS MESSAGE   PROCESSOR                                  *
*    Assume message severity will be customized...               
     COMPUTE EXIT-RETURNCODE = 4                                
*    Convert numeric 'category' to character                     
     EVALUATE EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV                                   
       When 81                                                   
         MOVE 'D' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 82                                                   
         MOVE 'E' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 83                                                   
         MOVE 'H' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 84                                                   
         MOVE 'I' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 85                                                   
         MOVE 'N' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 86                                                   
         MOVE 'O' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 87                                                   
         MOVE 'Q' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When 88                                                   
         MOVE 'S' To EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS                       
       When Other                                                
*  Examples of using FIPS category to force coding              
*  restrictions.  These are not recommendations!          
*      Change severity of all OBSOLETE item FIPS                
*       messages to 'S'                                         
*    If EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS = 'O' Then                        
*      DISPLAY ">>>> Default customizing FIPS category "        
*        EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS " msg " EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM "<<<<"  
*      COMPUTE EXIT-USER-SEV = 12                               
*    End-If                                                     
     Evaluate EXIT-MESSAGE-NUM                                  
*      Change severity of message 8062(O) to 8 ("E")            
*        8062 = GO TO without proc name                         
*        DISPLAY ">>>> Customizing message 8062 with 8 <<<<"    
*        DISPLAY 'FIPS sev =' EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS '='         
         COMPUTE EXIT-USER-SEV = 8                              
*      Change severity of message 8193(E) to 0("I")             
*        8193 = GOBACK                                          
*        DISPLAY ">>>> Customizing message 8193 with 0 <<<<"    
*        DISPLAY 'FIPS sev =' EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS '='         
         COMPUTE EXIT-USER-SEV = 0                              
*      Change severity of message 8235(E) to 8 (Error)          
*      to disalllow Complex Occurs Depending On                 
*        8235 = Complex Occurs Depending On                     
*        DISPLAY ">>>> Customizing message 8235 with 8 <<<<"    
*        DISPLAY 'FIPS sev =' EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS '='         
         COMPUTE EXIT-USER-SEV = 08                             
*      Change severity of message 8270(O) to -1 (Suppress)      
*        8270 = SERVICE LABEL                                   
*        DISPLAY ">>>> Customizing message 8270 with -1 <<<<"   
*        DISPLAY 'FIPS sev =' EXIT-DEFAULT-SEV-FIPS '='         
         COMPUTE EXIT-USER-SEV = -1                             
*      Message severity Not customized                          
       When Other                                               
*        For the default set 'O' to 'S' case...                 
*        If EXIT-USER-SEV = 12 Then                             
*          COMPUTE EXIT-RETURNCODE = 4                          
*        Else                                                   
           COMPUTE EXIT-RETURNCODE = 0                          
*        End-If                                                 