Example: describing sort and input files for SORT

The following example shows the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION and DATA DIVISION entries needed to describe sort work files and an input file.

 ID Division.
 Program-ID. SmplSort.
 Environment Division.
 Input-Output Section.
* Assign name for a working file is treated as documentation.
     Select Sort-Work-1 Assign To SortFile.
     Select Sort-Work-2 Assign To SortFile.
     Select Input-File  Assign To InFile.
 . . .
 Data Division.
 File Section.
 SD  Sort-Work-1
     Record Contains 100 Characters.
 01  Sort-Work-1-Area.
     05  Sort-Key-1    Pic  X(10).
     05  Sort-Key-2    Pic  X(10).
     05  Filler        Pic  X(80).
 SD  Sort-Work-2
     Record Contains 30 Characters.
 01  Sort-Work-2-Area.
     05  Sort-Key      Pic  X(5).
     05  Filler        Pic  X(25).
 FD  Input-File 
     Record Contains 100 Characters.
 01  Input-Record      Pic  X(100).
 . . .
 Working-Storage Section.
 01  EOS-Sw            Pic  X.
 01  Filler.
     05  Table-Entry Occurs 100 Times
             Indexed By X1    Pic X(30).
     . . .

Related tasks  
Requesting the sort or merge