Viewing the contents of memory by using memory monitors

About this task

To view the contents of memory from the Memory view:


  1. In the Monitors pane, select the memory monitor that contains the memory location that you want to view. Memory will appear in the Renderings pane, where you will perform all other steps. If you have added multiple renderings, select the tab that contains the rendering that you want to view.
  2. If desired, split the Renderings pane by selecting the Toggle Split Pane push button (Toggle Split Pane push button). By default, the Memory view only displays one rendering pane. When you click Toggle Split Pane, a second rendering opens and displays as a split pane. If you have chosen to render Hex and Character, you may need to choose this push button to see both renderings.
  3. If necessary, use the scroll bar in the rendering to view memory locations above or below the base address of the memory monitor being shown by the current rendering. Alternatively, you can right-click in the rendering and choose the Go to Address pop-up menu item or hit Ctrl+G. This will open a section at the bottom of the rendering, in which you can perform the following actions:
    1. Select the Go to Address pull-down menu item and then enter an address that you want to jump to. The rendering will be positioned so that the address entered is visible and selected.
    2. Select the Go to Offset pull-down menu item and then enter the offset. The rendering will be positioned so that the address of the expression (base address), plus the offset entered, is visible and selected. A negative value will position the rendering back from the base address.
    3. Select the Jump Memory Units pull-down menu item. This function takes the currently-selected address and adds the number of memory units that you specify to it. The resulting address is selected. A negative value will position the rendering back from the current address.
    For all of these entries, you can input them as HEX by selecting the Input as Hex check box (if this check box is not selected, input will be decimal). Once you have made the entry in the field, hit Enter or click OK to go to the location in the rendering. To close this section, click Cancel or hit Ctrl+G.
    Note: Input is also treated as HEX if it is prefixed with 0x.
  4. To go to the address in a particular cell, right-click inside the cell and select Dereference Pointer from the pop-up menu.
  5. If you want, change the width of any column by clicking the left or right side of its header cell and dragging it to alter the width of the column - or right-click inside the rendering and select Resize to Fit from the pop-up menu so that all columns are re-sized so that all text within them can be viewed. Alternatively, you can right-click inside the rendering and select Format from the pop-up menu. This will open the Format dialog box. In this dialog box, you can set the number of units per row and the number of units per column. As you make these settings, a Preview window in the dialog box displays the rendering layout that you are setting. To save these settings as the default layout, click Save as Defaults.
  6. To switch the memory rendering to Offset Mode, right-click inside the rendering and select Change Display Mode > Offset Mode from the pop-up menu. To switch the memory rendering to Address Mode, right-click inside the rendering and select Change Display Mode > Address Mode from the pop-up menu. When you switch to Offset Mode, the address of the expression being monitored becomes the first cell in the rendering and the Address column displays offsets.
  7. You can also hide elements of the Memory view for easier viewing:
    • You can hide the Monitors pane by deselecting the Toggle Memory Monitors Pane toggle.
    • You can hide the Address column by right-clicking inside the rendering and selecting Hide Address Column. To restore a the address column when it is hidden, right-click inside the rendering and select Show Address Column from the pop-up menu.


If you are in a memory rendering and move away from the address that you originally set to monitor, choosing the Reset to Base Address pop-up menu item will position the cursor back to the base address of the memory monitor. Alternatively, you can reset all renderings for a memory monitor by right-clicking the monitor and selecting Reset (or, you can select multiple monitors and choose this action). When you reset a monitor, by default, the visible renderings will be reset to the base address. To reset all renderings in the current Memory view to the base address, modify the Memory view preferences.