Mapping memory for an expression, variable, or register

To map memory for an expression or variable, follow the instructions for adding an expression or variable to the Memory view and then choose the Map option when selecting your memory rendering. Similarly, to map memory for a register, follow the instructions for adding a register to the Memory view and choose the Map option when selecting your memory rendering.

About this task

For information about adding expressions, variables, and registers to the Memory view, see the related topics.

When you choose to render memory with a map that contains errors, the Memory view Renderings pane will display an error message that contains options for resolving the error. For example, the error page may include options for opening the file (which would allow you to edit and save it) and for rebuilding the file. When you map memory, the map builds elements for expanded nodes only. You might not encounter errors until the node that contains an error is expanded. To fix these errors, open the map and fix the errors - and then rebuild the map. For information about editing memory layouts, see the related topic.