Numeric literals
A numeric literal is a character-string whose characters are selected from the digits 0 through 9, a sign character (+ or -), and the decimal point.
If the literal contains no decimal point, it is an integer. (In this documentation, the word integer appearing in a format represents a numeric literal of nonzero value that contains no sign and no decimal point, except when other rules are included with the description of the format.) The following rules apply:
- If the ARITH(COMPAT) compiler option is in effect, one through 18 digits are allowed. If the ARITH(EXTEND) or ARITH(FULL) compiler option is in effect, one through 31 digits are allowed.
- Only one sign character is allowed. If included, it must be the leftmost character of the literal. If the literal is unsigned, it is a positive value.
- Only one decimal point is allowed. If a decimal point is included, it is treated as an assumed decimal point (that is, as not taking up a character position in the literal). The decimal point can appear anywhere within the literal except as the rightmost character.
The value of a numeric literal is the algebraic quantity expressed by the characters in the literal. The size of a numeric literal is equal to the number of digits specified by the user.
Numeric literals can be fixed-point or floating-point numbers.
Numeric literals are in the numeric data class and category. (Data classes and categories are described under Classes and categories of data.)
Rules for floating-point literal values
The format and rules for floating-point literals are listed below.
- The sign is optional before the mantissa and the exponent; if you omit the sign, the compiler assumes a positive number.
- The mantissa can contain between one and 16 digits. A decimal point must be included in the mantissa.
- The exponent is represented by an E followed by an optional sign and one or two digits.
- The magnitude of a floating-point literal value
must fall between:
- 32-bit representation: 1.175(10-38) to 3.403(1038)