Example: XREF output: data-name cross-references

The following example shows a sorted cross-reference of data-names that is produced by the XREF compiler option. Numbers in parentheses refer to notes after the example.

An "M" preceding a data-name reference indicates that the 
data-name is modified by this reference.

     (1)        (2)                            (3)
  Defined   Cross-reference of data-names   References

      265   ABEND-ITEM1
      266   ABEND-ITEM2
      347   ADD-CODE . . . . . . . . . . .  1102 1162
      381   ADDRESS-ERROR. . . . . . . . .  M1126
      280   AREA-CODE. . . . . . . . . . .  1236 1261 1324 1345
      382   CITY-ERROR . . . . . . . . . .  M1129

 Context usage is indicated by the letter preceding a procedure-name 
 reference. These letters and their meanings are:
     A = ALTER (procedure-name)
     D = GO TO (procedure-name) DEPENDING ON
     E = End of range of (PERFORM) through (procedure-name)
     G = GO TO (procedure-name)
     P = PERFORM (procedure-name)
     T = (ALTER) TO PROCEED TO (procedure-name)
     U = USE FOR DEBUGGING (procedure-name)

     (5)       (6)                             (7)
  Defined   Cross-reference of procedures   References

      877   000-DO-MAIN-LOGIC
      930   050-CREATE-STL-MAIN-FILE . . .  P879
      982   100-INITIALIZE-PARAGRAPH . . .  P880
     1441   1100-PRINT-I-F-HEADINGS. . . .  P915
     1481   1200-PRINT-I-F-DATA. . . . . .  P916
     1543   1210-GET-MILES-TIME. . . . . .  P1510
     1636   1220-STORE-MILES-TIME. . . . .  P1511
     1652   1230-PRINT-SUB-I-F-DATA. . . .  P1532
     1676   1240-COMPUTE-SUMMARY . . . . .  P1533
     1050   200-EDIT-UPDATE-TRANSACTION. .  P886
     1124   210-EDIT-THE-REST. . . . . . .  P1116
     1159   300-UPDATE-COMMUTER-RECORD . .  P888
     1207   310-FORMAT-COMMUTER-RECORD . .  P1164 P1179
     1258   320-PRINT-COMMUTER-RECORD. . .  P1165 P1176 P1182 P1192
     1288   330-PRINT-REPORT . . . . . . .  P1178 P1202 P1256 P1280 P1340 P1365 P1369
     1312   400-PRINT-TRANSACTION-ERRORS .  P890

Cross-reference of data-names:

Line number where the name was defined.
Line numbers where the name was used. If M precedes the line number, the data item was explicitly modified at the location.

Cross-reference of procedure references:

Explanations of the context usage codes for procedure references.
Line number where the procedure-name is defined.
Line numbers where the procedure is referenced, and the context usage code for the procedure.