Example: SOURCE and NUMBER output

In the portion of the listing shown below, the programmer numbered two of the statements out of sequence. The note numbers in the listing correspond to numbered explanations that follow the listing.

 LineID  PL SL  ----+-*A-1-B--+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----8  Cross-Reference
   (2)    (3)    (4)                                                                            |
                087000/****************************************************************         |
                087100***                 D O   M A I N   L O G I C                  **         |
                087200***                                                            **         |
                087300*** Initialization. Read and process update transactions until **         |
                087400*** EOE. Close files and stop run.                             **         |
                087500*****************************************************************         |
                087600 procedure division.                                                      |
                087700   000-do-main-logic.                                                     |
                087800     display "PROGRAM SRCOUT - Beginning"                                 |
                087900     perform 050-create-stl-main-file.                                    |
                088150     display "perform 050-create-stl-main-file finished".                 |
 088151**       088125     perform 100-initialize-paragraph                                     |
                088200     display "perform 100-initialize-paragraph finished"                  |
                088300     read update-transaction-file into ws-transaction-record              |
                088400         at end                                                           |
             1  088500       set transaction-eof to true                                        |
                088600     end-read                                                             |
                088700     display "READ completed"                                             |
                088800     perform until transaction-eof                                        |
             1  088900       display "inside perform until loop"                                |
             1  089000       perform 200-edit-update-transaction                                |
             1  089100       display "After perform 200-edit   "                                |
             1  089200       if no-errors                                                       |
             2  089300         perform 300-update-commuter-record                               |
             2  089400         display "After perform 300-update "                              |
             1  089650       else                                                               |
 089651**    2  089600         perform 400-print-transaction-errors                             |
             2  089700         display "After perform 400-errors "                              |
             1  089800       end-if                                                             |
             1  089900       perform 410-re-initialize-fields                                   |
             1  090000       display "After perform 410-reinitialize"                           |
             1  090100       read update-transaction-file into ws-transaction-record            |
             1  090200           at end                                                         |
             2  090300         set transaction-eof to true                                      |
             1  090400       end-read                                                           |
             1  090500       display "After '2nd READ'   "                                      |
                090600     end-perform                                                          |

Scale line labels Area A, Area B, and source-code column numbers
Source-code line number assigned by the compiler
Program (PL) and statement (SL) nesting level
Columns 1 through 6 of program (the sequence number area)