Assigning arithmetic results (MOVE or COMPUTE)

When assigning a number to a data item, consider using the COMPUTE statement instead of the MOVE statement.

About this task

Move w to z
Compute z = w

In the example above, the two statements in most cases have the same effect. The MOVE statement however carries out the assignment with truncation. You can use the DIAGTRUNC compiler option to request that the compiler issue a warning for MOVE statements that might truncate numeric receivers.

When significant left-order digits would be lost in execution, the COMPUTE statement can detect the condition and allow you to handle it. If you use the ON SIZE ERROR phrase of the COMPUTE statement, the compiler generates code to detect a size-overflow condition. If the condition occurs, the code in the ON SIZE ERROR phrase is performed, and the content of z remains unchanged. If you do not specify the ON SIZE ERROR phrase, the assignment is carried out with truncation. There is no ON SIZE ERROR support for the MOVE statement.

You can also use the COMPUTE statement to assign the result of an arithmetic expression or intrinsic function to a data item. For example:

Compute z = y + (x ** 3)
Compute x = Function Max(x y z)

Related references  
Intrinsic functions (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)