Using national groups as elementary items

In most cases, you can use a national group as though it were an elementary data item.

About this task

In the following example, a national group item, Group-1, is moved to a national-edited item, Edited-date. Because Group-1 is treated as an elementary data item during the move, editing takes place in the receiving data item. The value in Edited-date after the move is 06/23/2010 in national characters.

    02 Month     PIC 99   VALUE 06.
    02 DayOf     PIC 99   VALUE 23.
    02 Year      PIC 9999 VALUE 2010.
    . . .
    MOVE Group-1 to Edited-date.

If Group-1 were instead an alphanumeric group in which each of its subordinate items had USAGE NATIONAL (specified either explicitly with a USAGE NATIONAL clause on each elementary item, or implicitly with a USAGE NATIONAL clause at the group level), a group move, rather than an elementary move, would occur. Neither editing nor conversion would take place during the move. The value in the first eight character positions of Edited-date after the move would be 06232010 in national characters, and the value in the remaining two character positions would be 4 bytes of alphanumeric spaces.

Related references  
MOVE statement (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)