Creating generation data groups
To create a generation data group (GDG), first create its catalog by using the
command with the -c
flag. (A GDG catalog is a
binary file in the Linux® native file
system; a GDG catalog name is of the form
About this task
You then populate the GDG with generation files typically by running COBOL programs that create the files.
In the Linux LSQ file system:
create a GDG catalog in the LSQ, RSD, SdU, or
STL file system, use the gdgmgr
command with the -c
For example, to create catalog ./myGroups/transactionGroup.catalogue,
you can issue this command:
gdgmgr -c ./myGroups/transactionGroup
The catalog is created by default in the current
working directory (./). You can optionally precede the catalog name
in the gdgmgr
command with a path name, as shown
above. The catalog and the generation files must be created in the
same directory.
In the SFS file system:
create a GDG catalog in the SFS file system, use the gdgmgr
with the -c
flag. You can specify the SFS file name
in either a fully qualified form or an abbreviated form. For example,
the following command creates a GDG catalog using a fully qualified
SFS name:
gdgmgr -c /.:/cics/sfs/sfsServer/baseName
You can instead specify an abbreviated form of the
SFS file name by first setting environment variable CICS_TK_SFS_SERVER,
and then issuing the gdgmgr
command using also the -F
to specify the SFS file system. For example:
export CICS_TK_SFS_SERVER=/.:/cics/sfs/sfsServer
gdgmgr -F SFS -c baseName
To override the default GDG home directory (~/gdg) for SFS groups, set environment variable gdg_home. For example, the following commands create a GDG catalog ~/groups/forSFS/sfs/sfsServer/myGroup.catalogue:
export gdg_home=~/groups/forSFS
gdgmgr -c /.:/cics/sfs/sfsServer/myGroup
All SFS generation files in a given group must be on the same SFS server.
In the Db2® file system:
- Initialize the Db2 environment by running the profile for the Db2 instance that you want to use.
- Set environment variable DB2DBDFT to the database for the group.
- Use the
command with the-F
flag to specify the Db2 file system, and with the-c
flag. Specify the schema directly in the required catalog name.
For example, the following commands create catalog ~/gdg/db2/db2inst1/database/cics.dbGroup.catalogue:
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
export DB2DBDFT=database
gdgmgr -F DB2 -c cics.dbGroup
The home directory for a GDG catalog for Db2 files is taken from environment variable $gdg_home or else defaults to ~/gdg.
All generation files in a generation data group must be in one database under one schema.