Example: processing tables using intrinsic functions

These examples show how you can apply an intrinsic function to some or all of the elements in a table by using the ALL subscript.

Assuming that Table-Two is a 2 x 3 x 2 array, the following statement adds the values in elements Table-Two(1,3,1), Table-Two(1,3,2), Table-Two(2,3,1), and Table-Two(2,3,2):

Compute Table-Sum = FUNCTION SUM (Table-Two(ALL, 3, ALL))

The following example computes various salary values for all the employees whose salaries are encoded in Employee-Table:

01  Employee-Table.
    05 Emp-Count      Pic s9(4) usage binary.
    05 Emp-Record     Occurs 1 to 500 times
                        depending on Emp-Count.
       10 Emp-Name    Pic x(20).
       10 Emp-Idme    Pic 9(9).
       10 Emp-Salary  Pic 9(7)v99.
. . .
Procedure Division.
    Compute Max-Salary    = Function Max(Emp-Salary(ALL))
    Compute I             = Function Ord-Max(Emp-Salary(ALL))
    Compute Avg-Salary    = Function Mean(Emp-Salary(ALL))
    Compute Salary-Range  = Function Range(Emp-Salary(ALL))
    Compute Total-Payroll = Function Sum(Emp-Salary(ALL))