The DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD function converts argument-1 from a date with a two-digit year (YYnnnn) to a date with a four-digit year (YYYYnnnn). argument-2, when added to the year at the time of execution, defines the ending year of a 100-year interval, or sliding century window, into which the year of argument-1 falls.

The function type is integer.

If the DATEPROC compiler option is in effect, the returned value is an expanded date field with implicit DATE FORMAT YYYYXXXX.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramFUNCTION DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD (argument-1 argument-2)
Must be zero or a positive integer less than 991232.

Note: The COBOL run time does not verify that the value is a valid date.

Must be an integer. If argument-2 is omitted, the function is evaluated assuming the value 50 was specified.

The sum of the year at the time of execution and the value of argument-2 must be less than 10,000 and greater than 1,699.

See the following examples with returned values from the DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD function:

Current year argument-1 value argument-2 value Returned value
2002 851003 120 20851003
2002 851003 -20 18851003
2002 851003  10 19851003
1994 981002 -10 18981002