Changing case (UPPER-CASE, LOWER-CASE)

You can use the UPPER-CASE and LOWER-CASE intrinsic functions to easily change the case of alphanumeric, alphabetic, or national strings.

About this task

01  Item-1   Pic x(30)  Value "Hello World!".
01  Item-2   Pic x(30).
. . .
    Display Item-1
    Display Function Upper-case(Item-1)
    Display Function Lower-case(Item-1)
    Move Function Upper-case(Item-1) to Item-2
    Display Item-2

The code above displays the following messages on the system logical output device:

Hello World!
hello world!

The DISPLAY statements do not change the actual contents of Item-1, but affect only how the letters are displayed. However, the MOVE statement causes uppercase letters to replace the contents of Item-2.

The conversion uses the case mapping that is defined in the current locale. The length of the function result might differ from the length of the argument.