Requesting the sort or merge

To read records from an input file (files for MERGE) without preliminary processing, use SORT . . . USING or MERGE . . . USING and the name of the input file (files) that you declared in a SELECT clause.

About this task

To transfer sorted or merged records from the sort or merge program to another file without any further processing, use SORT . . . GIVING or MERGE . . . GIVING and the name of the output file that you declared in a SELECT clause. For example:

SORT Sort-Work-1
    USING Input-File
    GIVING Output-File.

For SORT . . . USING or MERGE . . . USING, the compiler generates an input procedure to open the file (files), read the records, release the records to the sort or merge program, and close the file (files). The file (files) must not be open when the SORT or MERGE statement begins execution. For SORT . . . GIVING or MERGE . . . GIVING, the compiler generates an output procedure to open the file, return the records, write the records, and close the file. The file must not be open when the SORT or MERGE statement begins execution.

Example: describing sort and input files for SORT

If you want an input procedure to be performed on the sort records before they are sorted, use SORT . . . INPUT PROCEDURE. If you want an output procedure to be performed on the sorted records, use SORT . . . OUTPUT PROCEDURE. For example:

SORT Sort-Work-1
    INPUT PROCEDURE EditInputRecords

Example: sorting with input and output procedures

Restriction: You cannot use an input procedure with the MERGE statement. The source of input to the merge operation must be a collection of already sorted files. However, if you want an output procedure to be performed on the merged records, use MERGE . . . OUTPUT PROCEDURE. For example:

MERGE Merge-Work
    USING Input-File-1 Input-File-2 Input-File-3
    OUTPUT PROCEDURE ProcessOutput.

In the FILE SECTION, you must define Merge-Work in an SD entry, and the input files in FD entries.

Related references  
SORT statement (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)  
MERGE statement (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)