You can use the DATEVAL intrinsic function to convert a nondate to a date field, so that COBOL will apply the relevant date processing to the field.

About this task

The first argument in the function is the nondate to be converted, and the second argument specifies the date format. The second argument is a literal string with a specification similar to that of the date pattern in the DATE FORMAT clause.

In most cases, the compiler makes the correct assumption about the interpretation of a nondate but accompanies this assumption with a warning-level diagnostic message. This message typically happens when a windowed date is compared with a literal:

03  When-Made        Pic x(6) Date Format yyxxxx.
. . .
If When-Made = "850701" Perform Warranty-Check.

The literal is assumed to be a compatible windowed date but with a century window of 1900-1999, thus representing July 15, 1985. You can use the DATEVAL intrinsic function to make the year of the literal date explicit and eliminate the warning message:

If When-Made = Function Dateval("19850701" "YYYYXXXX")
    Perform Warranty-Check.

Example: DATEVAL