Example: program for processing XML
This example shows the parsing of an XML document, and a processing procedure that reports the various XML events and their associated text fragments.
The XML document is shown in the program source to make it easier to follow the flow of the parsing. The output of the program is shown after the example.
To understand the interaction of the parser and the processing procedure, and to match events to document fragments, compare the XML document to the output of the program.
Process codepage(1047)
Identification division.
Program-id. XMLSAMPL.
Data division.
Working-storage section.
* XML document data, encoded as initial values of data items. *
1 xml-document-data.
2 pic x(39) value '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"'.
2 pic x(19) value ' standalone="yes"?>'.
2 pic x(39) value '<!--This document is just an example-->'.
2 pic x(10) value '<sandwich>'.
2 pic x(33) value '<bread type="baker's best"/>'.
2 pic x(36) value '<?spread We'll use real mayonnaise?>'.
2 pic x(29) value '<meat>Ham & turkey</meat>'.
2 pic x(34) value '<filling>Cheese, lettuce, tomato, '.
2 pic x(32) value 'and that's all, Folks!</filling>'.
2 pic x(25) value '<![CDATA[We should add a '.
2 pic x(20) value '<relish> element!]]>'.
2 pic x(28) value '<listprice>$4.99</listprice>'.
2 pic x(25) value '<discount>0.10</discount>'.
2 pic x(31) value '</sandwich>'.
* XML document, represented as fixed-length records. *
1 xml-document redefines xml-document-data.
2 xml-segment pic x(40) occurs 10 times.
1 xml-segment-no comp pic s9(4).
1 content-buffer pic x(100).
1 current-element-stack.
2 current-element pic x(30) occurs 10 times.
* Sample data definitions for processing numeric XML content. *
1 element-depth comp pic s9(4).
1 discount computational pic 9v99 value 0.
1 display-price pic $$9.99.
1 filling pic x(4095).
1 list-price computational pic 9v99 value 0.
1 ofr-ed pic x(9) justified.
1 ofr-ed-1 redefines ofr-ed pic 999999.99.
Procedure division.
Mainline section.
Move 1 to xml-segment-no
Display 'Initial segment {' xml-segment(xml-segment-no) '}'
Display ' '
XML parse xml-segment(xml-segment-no)
processing procedure XML-handler
On exception
Display 'XML processing error, XML-Code=' XML-Code '.'
Move 16 to return-code
Not on exception
Display 'XML document successfully parsed.'
* Process the transformed content and calculate promo price. *
Display ' '
Display '-----+++++***** Using information from XML '
Display ' '
Move list-price to Display-price
Display ' Sandwich list price: ' Display-price
Compute Display-price = list-price * (1 - discount)
Display ' Promotional price: ' Display-price
Display ' Get one today!'
XML-handler section.
Evaluate XML-Event
* ==> Order XML events most frequent first
Display 'Start element tag: {' XML-Text '}'
Add 1 to element-depth
Move XML-Text to current-element(element-depth)
Display 'Content characters: {' XML-Text '}'
* ==> In general, a split can occur for any element or attribute
* ==> data, but in this sample, it only occurs for "filling"...
If xml-information = 2 and
current-element(element-depth) not = 'filling'
Display 'Unexpected split in content for element '
Move -1 to xml-code
* ==> Transform XML content to operational COBOL data item...
Evaluate current-element(element-depth)
When 'filling'
* ==> After reassembling separate pieces of character content...
String xml-text delimited by size into
content-buffer with pointer tally
On overflow
Display 'content buffer ('
length of content-buffer
' bytes) is too small'
Move -1 to xml-code
Evaluate xml-information
When 2
Display ' Character data for element "filling" '
'is incomplete.'
Display ' The partial data was buffered for '
'content assembly.'
When 1
subtract 1 from tally
move content-buffer(1:tally) to filling
Display ' Element "filling" data (' tally
' bytes) is now complete:'
Display ' {' filling(1:tally) '}'
When 'listprice'
* ==> Using function NUMVAL-C...
Move XML-Text to content-buffer
Compute list-price =
function numval-c(content-buffer)
When 'discount'
* ==> Using de-editing of a numeric edited item...
Move XML-Text to ofr-ed
Move ofr-ed-1 to discount
Display 'End element tag: {' XML-Text '}'
Subtract 1 from element-depth
Display 'End of input'
Add 1 to xml-segment-no
Display ' Next segment: {' xml-segment(xml-segment-no)
Display ' '
Move 1 to xml-code
Display 'Start of document'
Move 0 to element-depth
Move 1 to tally
Display 'End of document.'
Display 'Version: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Encoding: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Standalone: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Attribute name: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Attribute value characters: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Attribute value character: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Start of CData section'
Display 'End of CData section'
Display 'Content character: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'PI target: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'PI data: {' XML-Text '}'
Display 'Comment: {' XML-Text '}'
Compute tally = function length (XML-Text)
Display 'Exception ' XML-Code ' at offset ' tally '.'
When other
Display 'Unexpected XML event: ' XML-Event '.'
End program XMLSAMPL.
Output from parsing
From the following output you can see which fragments of the document were associated with the events that occurred during parsing:
Start of document
Version: {1.0}
Encoding: {UTF-8}
Standalone: {yes}
Comment: {This document is just an example}
Start element tag: {sandwich}
Content characters: { }
Start element tag: {bread}
Attribute name: {type}
Attribute value characters: {baker}
Attribute value character: {'}
Attribute value characters: {s best}
End element tag: {bread}
Content characters: { }
PI target: {spread}
PI data: {please use real mayonnaise }
Content characters: { }
Start element tag: {meat}
Content characters: {Ham }
Content character: {&}
Content characters: { turkey}
End element tag: {meat}
Content characters: { }
Start element tag: {filling}
Content characters: {Cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc.}
End element tag: {filling}
Content characters: { }
Start of CData: {<![CDATA[}
Content characters: {We should add a <relish> element in future!}
End of CData: {]]>}
Content characters: { }
Start element tag: {listprice}
Content characters: {$4.99 }
End element tag: {listprice}
Content characters: { }
Start element tag: {discount}
Content characters: {0.10}
End element tag: {discount}
End element tag: {sandwich}
End of document.
XML document successfully parsed
-----+++++***** Using information from XML *****+++++-----
Sandwich list price: $4.99
Promotional price: $4.49
Get one today!