Processing data in an international environment

COBOL for Linux® supports Unicode UTF-16 as national character data at run time. UTF-16 is a fixed-width Unicode encoding that provides a consistent and efficient way to encode plain text. Using UTF-16, you can develop software that will work with various national languages.

About this task

Use these COBOL facilities to code and compile programs that process national data and culturally sensitive collation orders for such data:

  • Data types and literals:
    • Character data types, defined with the USAGE NATIONAL clause and a PICTURE clause that defines data of category national, national-edited, or numeric-edited
    • Numeric data types, defined with the USAGE NATIONAL clause and a PICTURE clause that defines a numeric data item (a national decimal item) or an external floating-point data item (a national floating-point item)
    • National literals, specified with literal prefix N or NX
    • Figurative constant ALL national-literal
    • Figurative constants QUOTE, SPACE, HIGH-VALUE, LOW-VALUE, or ZERO, which have national character (UTF-16) values when used in national-character contexts
  • The COBOL statements shown in the related reference below about COBOL statements and national data
  • Intrinsic functions:
    • NATIONAL-OF to convert an alphanumeric or double-byte character set (DBCS) character string to USAGE NATIONAL (UTF-16)
    • DISPLAY-OF to convert a national character string to USAGE DISPLAY in a selected code page (EBCDIC, ASCII, EUC, or UTF-8)
    • The other intrinsic functions shown in the related reference below about intrinsic functions and national data
  • The GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL clause to define groups that contain only USAGE NATIONAL data items and that behave like elementary category national items in most operations
  • Compiler options:
    • NSYMBOL to control whether national or DBCS processing is used for the N symbol in literals and PICTURE clauses
    • NCOLLSEQ to specify the collating sequence for comparison of national operands

You can also take advantage of implicit conversions of alphanumeric or DBCS data items to national representation. The compiler performs such conversions (in most cases) when you move these items to national data items, or compare these items with national data items.

Related references  
COBOL statements and national data  
Intrinsic functions and national data  
Classes and categories of data (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)  
Data categories and PICTURE rules
(COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)  
MOVE statement (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)  
General relation conditions (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)