Example: embedded messages

The following example shows the embedded messages generated by specifying a second parameter to the FLAG option. Some messages in the summary apply to more than one COBOL statement.

   LineID  PL SL  ----+-*A-1-B--+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----8  Map and Cross Reference
 ...                                                                                              |
   000977               /                                                                         |
   000978               *****************************************************************         |
   000979               ***          I N I T I A L I Z E   P A R A G R A P H           **         |
   000980               ***  Open files. Accept date, time and format header lines.    **         |
   000981         IA4690***   Load location-table.                                     **         |
   000982               *****************************************************************         |
   000983                  100-initialize-paragraph.                                              |
   000984                    move spaces to ws-transaction-record                                 | IMP 339
   000985                    move spaces to ws-commuter-record                                    | IMP 315
   000986                    move zeroes to commuter-zipcode                                      | IMP 326
   000987                    move zeroes to commuter-home-phone                                   | IMP 327
   000988                    move zeroes to commuter-work-phone                                   | IMP 328
   000989                    move zeroes to commuter-update-date                                  | IMP 332
   000990                    open input update-transaction-file                                   | 203
 ==000990==> IGYPS2052-S An error was found in the definition of file "LOCATION-FILE".  The       |
                         reference to this file was discarded.                                    |
   000991                        location-file                                                    | 192
   000992                        i-o commuter-file                                                | 180
   000993                        output print-file                                                | 216
   000994                    if loccode-file-status not = "00" or                                 | 248
   000995                       update-file-status not = "00" or                                  | 247
   000996                       updprint-file-status not = "00"                                   | 249
   000997      1                display "Open Error ..."                                          |
   000998      1                display "  Location File Status = " loccode-file-status           | 248
   000999      1                display "  Update   File Status = " update-file-status            | 247
   001000      1                display "  Print    File Status = " updprint-file-status          | 249
   001001      1               perform 900-abnormal-termination                                   | 1433
   001002                    end-if                                                               |
   001003         IA4760     if commuter-file-status not = "00" and not = "97"                    | 240
   001004      1               display "100-OPEN"                                                 |
   001005      1               move 100 to comp-code                                              | 230
   001006      1               perform 500-stl-error                                              | 1387
   001007      1               display "Commuter File Status (OPEN) = "                           |
   001008      1                        commuter-file-status                                      | 240
   001009      1               perform 900-abnormal-termination                                   | 1433
   001010         IA4790     end-if                                                               |
   001011                    accept ws-date from date                                             | UND
 ==001011==> IGYPS2121-S "WS-DATE" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.  |
   001012         IA4810     move corr ws-date to header-date                                     | UND 463
 ==001012==> IGYPS2121-S "WS-DATE" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.  |
   001013                    accept ws-time from time                                             | UND
 ==001013==> IGYPS2121-S "WS-TIME" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.  |
   001014         IA4830     move corr ws-time to header-time                                     | UND 457
 ==001014==> IGYPS2121-S "WS-TIME" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.  |
   001015         IA4840     read location-file                                                   | 192
 LineID  Message code  Message text
      192  IGYDS1050-E   File "LOCATION-FILE" contained no data record descriptions.
                         The file definition was discarded.
      899  IGYPS2052-S   An error was found in the definition of file "LOCATION-FILE".
                         The reference to this file was discarded.
                         Same message on line:    990
     1011  IGYPS2121-S   "WS-DATE" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1012
     1013  IGYPS2121-S   "WS-TIME" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1014
     1015  IGYPS2053-S   An error was found in the definition of file "LOCATION-FILE".
                         This input/output statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1027
     1026  IGYPS2121-S   "LOC-CODE" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
     1209  IGYPS2121-S   "COMMUTER-SHIFT" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1230
     1210  IGYPS2121-S   "COMMUTER-HOME-CODE" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1231
     1212  IGYPS2121-S   "COMMUTER-NAME" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1233
     1213  IGYPS2121-S   "COMMUTER-INITIALS" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
                         Same message on line:   1234
     1223  IGYPS2121-S   "WS-NUMERIC-DATE" was not defined as a data-name.  The statement was discarded.
 Messages    Total    Informational    Warning    Error    Severe    Terminating
 Printed:      19                                    1        18
 * Statistics for COBOL program FLAGOUT:
 *    Source records = 1755
 *    Data Division statements = 279
 *    Procedure Division statements = 479
 Locale = en_US.ISO8859-1                   (1)                     
 End of compilation 1,  program FLAGOUT,  highest severity: Severe.
 Return code 12
The locale that the compiler used