Assigning values to a variable-length table

You can code a VALUE clause for an alphanumeric or national group item that has a subordinate data item that contains the OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON phrase. Each subordinate structure that contains the DEPENDING ON phrase is initialized using the maximum number of occurrences.

About this task

If you define the entire table by using the DEPENDING ON phrase, all the elements are initialized using the maximum defined value of the ODO (OCCURS DEPENDING ON) object.

If the ODO object is initialized by a VALUE clause, it is logically initialized after the ODO subject has been initialized.

01  TABLE-THREE           VALUE "3ABCDE".
    05 X                  PIC 9.
          DEPENDING ON X  PIC X.

For example, in the code above, the ODO subject Y(1) is initialized to 'A', Y(2) to 'B', . . ., Y(5) to 'E', and finally the ODO object X is initialized to 3. Any subsequent reference to TABLE-THREE (such as in a DISPLAY statement) refers to X and the first three elements, Y(1) through Y(3), of the table.

Related references  
(COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)