Testing for OMITTED arguments

You can specify that one or more BY REFERENCE arguments are not to be passed to a called program by coding the OMITTED keyword in place of those arguments in the CALL statement.

About this task

For example, to omit the second argument when calling program sub1, code this statement:

Call 'sub1' Using PARM1, OMITTED, PARM3

The arguments in the USING phrase of the CALL statement must match the parameters of the called program in number and position.

In a called program, you can test whether an argument was passed as OMITTED by comparing the address of the corresponding parameter to NULL. For example:

Program-ID. sub1.
. . .
Procedure Division Using RPARM1, RPARM2, RPARM3.
    If Address Of RPARM2 = Null Then
        Display 'No 2nd argument was passed this time'
        Perform Process-Parm-2

Related references  
CALL statement (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)  
The USING phrase (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)