Using literals

A literal is a character string whose value is given by the characters themselves. If you know the value you want a data item to have, you can use a literal representation of the data value in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.

About this task

You do not need to define a data item for the value nor refer to it by using a data-name. For example, you can prepare an error message for an output file by moving an alphanumeric literal:

Move "Name is not valid" To Customer-Name

You can compare a data item to a specific integer value by using a numeric literal. In the example below, "Name is not valid" is an alphanumeric literal, and 03519 is a numeric literal:

01  Part-number     Pic 9(5).
. . .
    If Part-number = 03519 then display "Part number was found"

You can use hexadecimal-notation format (X') to express control characters X'00' through X'1F' within an alphanumeric literal. Results are unpredictable if you specify these control characters in the basic format of alphanumeric literals.

You can use the opening delimiter N" or N' to designate a national literal if the NSYMBOL(NATIONAL) compiler option is in effect, or to designate a DBCS literal if the NSYMBOL(DBCS) compiler option is in effect.

You can use the opening delimiter NX" or NX' to designate national literals in hexadecimal notation (regardless of the setting of the NSYMBOL compiler option). Each group of four hexadecimal digits designates a single national character.

Related references  
Literals (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)