Using national groups

To define a group data item as a national group, code a GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL clause at the group level for the item. The group can contain only data items that explicitly or implicitly have USAGE NATIONAL.

About this task

The following data description entry specifies that a level-01 group and its subordinate groups are national group items:

01  Nat-Group-1    GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL.
    02  Group-1.
        04  Month    PIC 99.
        04  DayOf    PIC 99.
        04  Year     PIC 9999.
    02  Group-2    GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL.
        04  Amount   PIC 9(4).99  USAGE NATIONAL.

In the example above, Nat-Group-1 is a national group, and its subordinate groups Group-1 and Group-2 are also national groups. A GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL clause is implied for Group-1, and USAGE NATIONAL is implied for the subordinate items in Group-1. Month, DayOf, and Year are national decimal items, and Amount is a numeric-edited item that has USAGE NATIONAL.

You can subordinate national groups within alphanumeric groups as in the following example:

01  Alpha-Group-1.
    02  Group-1.
        04  Month   PIC 99.
        04  DayOf   PIC 99.
        04  Year    PIC 9999.
    02  Group-2   GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL.
        04  Amount  PIC 9(4).99.

In the example above, Alpha-Group-1 and Group-1 are alphanumeric groups; USAGE DISPLAY is implied for the subordinate items in Group-1. (If Alpha-Group-1 specified USAGE NATIONAL at the group level, USAGE NATIONAL would be implied for each of the subordinate items in Group-1. However, Alpha-Group-1 and Group-1 would be alphanumeric groups, not national groups, and would behave like alphanumeric groups during operations such as moves and compares.) Group-2 is a national group, and USAGE NATIONAL is implied for the numeric-edited item Amount.

You cannot subordinate alphanumeric groups within national groups. All elementary items within a national group must be explicitly or implicitly described as USAGE NATIONAL, and all group items within a national group must be explicitly or implicitly described as GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL.

Related concepts  
National groups

Related references  
GROUP-USAGE clause (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)