PICTURE clause editing

There are two general methods of editing in a PICTURE clause, insertion editing, and suppression and replacement editing.

Insertion editing includes the following types of editing:

  • Simple insertion
  • Special insertion
  • Fixed insertion
  • Floating insertion

Suppression and replacement editing includes the following types of editing:

  • Zero suppression and replacement with asterisks
  • Zero suppression and replacement with spaces

The type of editing allowed for an item depends on its data category. The type of editing that is valid for each category is shown in the following table. cs indicates any valid currency symbol.

Table 1. Data categories
Data category Type of editing Insertion symbol
Alphabetic None None
Alphanumeric None None
Alphanumeric-edited Simple insertion B 0 /
Boolean None None
DBCS Simple insertion B
External floating-point Special insertion .
National None None
National-edited Simple insertion B 0 /
Numeric None None
Numeric-edited Simple insertion

Special insertion

Fixed insertion

Floating insertion

Zero suppression


B 0 / ,


cs + - CR DB

cs + -

Z *

Z * + - cs