Compiling and running CICS programs

To compile COBOL for Linux® TXSeries® or CICS® TX programs, use the cob2 or cob2_cics command.

About this task

Note: Effective 9 August 2024, IBM withdraws from marketing IBM CICS TX Standard (5900-ALU) and IBM CICS TX Advanced (5737-K69).

TRUNC(BIN) is a recommended compiler option for a COBOL program that will run under CICS. However, if you are certain that the nontruncated values of BINARY, COMP, and COMP-4 data items conform to their PICTURE specifications, you might be able to improve program performance by using TRUNC(OPT).

You can use a COMP-5 data item instead of a BINARY, COMP, or COMP-4 data item as an EXEC CICS command argument. COMP-5 data items are treated like BINARY, COMP, or COMP-4 data items if TRUNC(BIN) is in effect.

You must use the PGMNAME(MIXED) compiler option for programs that use CICS Client.

Do not use the DYNAM or ADDR(64) compiler option when you translate a COBOL program (using either the separate or integrated CICS translator). All other COBOL compiler options are supported.


Runtime options: Use the FILESYS runtime option to specify the default file system if no file system has been specified for a file by means of an ASSIGN clause.

Related concepts  
Integrated CICS translator

Related references  
Compiler options
Conflicting compiler options