The conceptual data items DATE, DATE YYYYMMDD, DAY, DAY YYYYDDD, DAY-OF-WEEK, and TIME implicitly have USAGE DISPLAY. Because these are conceptual data items, they cannot be described in the COBOL program.

The content of the conceptual data items is moved to the receiving area using the rules of the MOVE statement. If the receiving area is of usage NATIONAL, the data is converted to national character representation.

Has the implicit PICTURE 9(6). If the DATEPROC compiler option is in effect, then the returned value has implicit DATE FORMAT YYXXXX, and identifier-2 must be defined with this date format.

The sequence of data elements (from left to right) is:

Two digits for the year
Two digits for the month
Two digits for the day

Thus 27 April 2003 is expressed as 030427.

Has the implicit PICTURE 9(8). If the DATEPROC compiler option is in effect, then the returned value has implicit DATE FORMAT YYYYXXXX, and identifier-2 must be defined with this date format.

The sequence of data elements (from left to right) is:

Four digits for the year
Two digits for the month
Two digits for the day

Thus 27 April 2003 is expressed as 20030427.

Has the implicit PICTURE 9(5). If the DATEPROC compiler option is in effect, then the returned value has implicit DATE FORMAT YYXXX, and identifier-2 must be defined with this date format.

The sequence of data elements (from left to right) is:

Two digits for the year
Three digits for the day

Thus 27 April 2003 is expressed as 03117.

Has the implicit PICTURE 9(7). If the DATEPROC compiler option is in effect, then the returned value has implicit DATE FORMAT YYYYXXX, and identifier-2 must be defined with this date format.

The sequence of data elements (from left to right) is:

Four digits for the year
Three digits for the day

Thus 27 April 2003 is expressed as 2003117.

Has the implicit PICTURE 9(1).

The single data element represents the day of the week according to the following values:

1 represents Monday           5 represents Friday
2 represents Tuesday          6 represents Saturday
3 represents Wednesday        7 represents Sunday
4 represents Thursday

Thus Wednesday is expressed as 3.

Has the implicit PICTURE 9(8).

The sequence of data elements (from left to right) is:

Two digits for hour of day
Two digits for minute of hour
Two digits for second of minute
Two digits for hundredths of second

Thus 2:41 PM is expressed as 14410000.