Sign representation of zoned and packed-decimal data

Sign representation affects the processing and interaction of zoned decimal and internal decimal data.

Given X'sd', where s is the sign representation and d represents the digit, the valid sign representations for zoned decimal (USAGE DISPLAY) data without the SIGN IS SEPARATE clause are:

3, C, and F
7 and D

When the CHAR(NATIVE) compiler option is in effect, signs generated internally are 3 for positive and unsigned, and 7 for negative.

When the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option is in effect, signs generated internally are C for positive, F for unsigned, and D for negative.

Given X'ds', where d represents the digit and s is the sign representation, the valid sign representations for internal decimal (USAGE PACKED-DECIMAL) data are:

A, C, E, and F
B and D

Signs generated internally are C for positive and unsigned, and D for negative.

The sign representation of unsigned internal decimal numbers is different between COBOL for Linux® and Enterprise COBOL for z/OS®. Enterprise COBOL for z/OS generates F internally as the sign of unsigned internal decimal numbers.

Related references  
Data representation