Runtime messages

Messages for COBOL for Linux® contain a message prefix, message number, severity code, and descriptive text.

The message prefix is always IWZ. The severity code is either I (information), W (warning), S (severe), or C (critical). The message text provides a brief explanation of the condition.

IWZ2519S  The seconds value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.

In the example message above:

  • The message prefix is IWZ.
  • The message number is 2519.
  • The severity code is S.
  • The message text is "The seconds value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized."

The date and time callable services messages also contain a symbolic feedback code, which represents the first 8 bytes of a 12-byte condition token. You can think of the symbolic feedback code as the nickname for a condition. The callable services messages contain a four-digit message number.

When running your application from the command line, you can capture any runtime messages by redirecting stdout and stderr to a file. For example:

program-name program-arguments >combined-output-file 2>&1

The following example shows how to write the output to separate files:

program-name program-arguments >output-file 2>error-file

Table 1. Runtime messages
Message number Message text
IWZ006S The reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number addressed an area outside the region of the table.
IWZ007S The reference to variable-length group group-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number addressed an area outside the maximum defined length of the group.
IWZ012I Invalid run unit termination occurred while sort or merge is running.
IWZ013S Sort or merge requested while sort or merge is running in a different thread.
IWZ026W The SORT-RETURN special register was never referenced, but the current content indicated the sort or merge operation in program program-name on line number line-number was unsuccessful. The sort or merge return code was return code.
IWZ029S Argument-1 for function function-name in program program-name at line line-number was less than zero.
IWZ030S Argument-2 for function function-name in program program-name at line line-number was not a positive integer.
IWZ036W Truncation of high order digit positions occurred in program program-name on line number line-number.
IWZ037I The flow of control in program program-name proceeded beyond the last line of the program. Control returned to the caller of the program program-name.
IWZ038S A reference modification length value of reference-modification-value on line line-number which was not equal to 1 was found in a reference to data item data-item.
IWZ039S An invalid overpunched sign was detected.
IWZ040S An invalid separate sign was detected.
IWZ048W A negative base was raised to a fractional power in an exponentiation expression. The absolute value of the base was used.
IWZ049W A zero base was raised to a zero power in an exponentiation expression. The result was set to one.
IWZ050S A zero base was raised to a negative power in an exponentiation expression.
IWZ051S No significant digits remain in a fixed-point exponentiation operation in program program-name due to excessive decimal positions specified in the operands or receivers.
IWZ053S An overflow occurred on conversion to floating point.
IWZ054S A floating-point exception occurred.
IWZ055W An underflow occurred on conversion to floating point. The result was set to zero.
IWZ058S Exponent overflow occurred.
IWZ059W An exponent with more than nine digits was truncated.
IWZ060W Truncation of high order digit positions occurred.
IWZ061S Division by zero occurred.
IWZ063S An invalid sign was detected in a numeric edited sending field in program-name on line number line-number.
IWZ064S A recursive call to active program program-name in compilation unit compilation-unit was attempted.
IWZ065I A CANCEL of active program program-name in compilation unit compilation-unit was attempted.
IWZ066S The length of external data record data-record did not match the existing length of the record.
IWZ071S ALL subscripted table reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number had an ALL subscript specified for an OCCURS DEPENDING ON dimension, and the object was less than or equal to 0.
IWZ072S A reference modification start position value of reference-modification-value on line line-number referenced an area outside the region of data item data-item.
IWZ073S A nonpositive reference modification length value of reference-modification-value on line line-number was found in a reference to data item data-item.
IWZ074S A reference modification start position value of reference-modification-value and length value of length on line line-number caused reference to be made beyond the rightmost character of data item data-item.
IWZ075S Inconsistencies were found in EXTERNAL file file-name in program program-name. The following file attributes did not match those of the established external file: attribute-1 attribute-2 attribute-3 attribute-4 attribute-5 attribute-6 attribute-7.
IWZ076W The number of characters in the INSPECT REPLACING CHARACTERS BY data-name was not equal to one. The first character was used.
IWZ077W The lengths of the INSPECT data items were not equal. The shorter length was used.
IWZ078S ALL subscripted table reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number will exceed the upper bound of the table.
IWZ096C Message variants include:
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. A load of module module-name failed with an error code of error-code.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. A load of module module-name failed with a return code of return-code.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. Insufficient resources.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. COBPATH not found in environment.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. Entry entry-name not found.
  • Dynamic call failed. The name of the target program does not contain any valid characters.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. The load module load-module could not be found in the directories identified in the COBPATH environment variable.
IWZ097S Argument-1 for function function-name contained no digits.
IWZ100S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than or equal to -1.
IWZ103S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 99.
IWZ104S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 99999.
IWZ105S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 999999.
IWZ151S Argument-1 for function function-name contained more than 18 digits.
IWZ152S Invalid character character was found in column column-number in argument-1 for function function-name.
IWZ155S Invalid character character was found in column column-number in argument-2 for function function-name.
IWZ156S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 28.
IWZ157S The length of Argument-1 for function function-name was not equal to 1.
IWZ158S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 29.
IWZ159S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 1 or greater than 3067671.
IWZ160S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 16010101 or greater than 99991231.
IWZ161S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 1601001 or greater than 9999365.
IWZ162S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 1 or greater than the number of positions in the program collating sequence.
IWZ163S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero.
IWZ165S A reference modification start position value of start-position-value on line line number referenced an area outside the region of the function result of function-result.
IWZ166S A nonpositive reference modification length value of length on line line-number was found in a reference to the function result of function-result.
IWZ167S A reference modification start position value of start-position and length value of length on line line-number caused reference to be made beyond the rightmost character of the function result of function-result.
IWZ168W SYSPUNCH/SYSPCH will default to the system logical output device. The corresponding environment variable has not been set.
IWZ169S Unknown device type for DISPLAY statement.
IWZ170S Illegal data type for DISPLAY operand.
IWZ171I string-name is not a valid runtime option.
IWZ172I The string string-name is not a valid suboption of the runtime option option-name.
IWZ173I The suboption string string-name of the runtime option option-name must be number characters long. The default will be used.
IWZ174I The suboption string string-name of the runtime option option-name contains one or more invalid characters. The default will be used.
IWZ175S There is no support for routine routine-name on this system.
IWZ176S Argument-1 for function function-name was greater than decimal-value.
IWZ177S Argument-2 for function function-name was equal to decimal-value.
IWZ178S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than or equal to decimal-value.
IWZ179S Argument-1 for function function-name was less than decimal-value.
IWZ180S Argument-1 for function function-name was not an integer.
IWZ181I An invalid character was found in the numeric string string of the runtime option option-name. The default will be used.
IWZ182I The number number of the runtime option option-name exceeded the range of min-range to max-range. The default will be used.
IWZ183S The function name in _IWZCOBOLInit did a return.
IWZ200S Error detected during I/O operation for file file-name. File status is: file-status.
IWZ200S STOP or ACCEPT failed with an I/O error, error-code. The run unit is terminated.
IWZ203S The code page in effect is not a DBCS code page.
IWZ204S An error occurred during conversion from ASCII DBCS to EBCDIC DBCS.
IWZ221S ICU converter for the code page, codepage value, can not be opened. The error code is error code value.
IWZ222S Data conversion via ICU failed with error code error code value.
IWZ223W Close of ICU converter failed with error code error code value.
IWZ224S ICU collator for the locale value, locale value, can not be opened. The error code is error code value.
IWZ225S Unicode case mapping function using ICU failed with error code error code value. The locale in effect is locale value.
IWZ230W The conversion table for the current code page, ASCII codeset-id, to the EBCDIC code page, EBCDIC codeset-id, is not available. The default ASCII to EBCDIC conversion table will be used.
IWZ230W The EBCDIC code page specified, EBCDIC codepage, is not consistent with the locale locale, but will be used as requested.
IWZ230W The EBCDIC code page specified, EBCDIC codepage, is not supported. The default EBCDIC code page, EBCDIC codepage, will be used.
IWZ230S The EBCDIC conversion table cannot be opened.
IWZ230S The EBCDIC conversion table cannot be built.
IWZ230S The main program was compiled with both the -host flag and the CHAR(NATIVE) option, which are not compatible.
IWZ231S Query of current locale setting failed.
IWZ232W Message variants include:
  • An error occurred during the conversion of data item data-name to EBCDIC in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion of data item data-name to ASCII in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion to EBCDIC for data item data-name in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion to ASCII for data item data-name in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion from ASCII to EBCDIC in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
IWZ240S The base year for program program-name was outside the valid range of 1900 through 1999. The sliding window value window-value resulted in a base year of base-year.
IWZ241S The current year was outside the 100-year window, year-start through year-end, for program program-name.
IWZ242S There was an invalid attempt to start an XML PARSE statement.
IWZ243S There was an invalid attempt to end an XML PARSE statement.
IWZ813S Insufficient storage was available to satisfy a get storage request.
IWZ901S Message variants include:
  • Program exits due to severe or critical error.
  • Program exits: more than ERRCOUNT errors occurred.
IWZ902S The system detected a Decimal-divide exception.
IWZ903S The system detected a data exception.
IWZ907S Message variants include:
  • Insufficient storage.
  • Insufficient storage. Cannot get number-bytes bytes of space for storage.
IWZ993W Insufficient storage. Cannot find space for message message-number.
IWZ994W Cannot find message message-number in message-catalog.
IWZ995C Message variants include:
  • System exception signal received while executing routine routine-name at offset 0xoffset-value.
  • System exception signal received while executing code at location 0xoffset-value.
  • System exception signal received. The location could not be determined.
IWZ2502S The UTC/GMT was not available from the system.
IWZ2503S The offset from UTC/GMT to local time was not available from the system.
IWZ2505S The input_seconds value in a call to CEEDATM or CEESECI was not within the supported range.
IWZ2506S An era (<JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC>) was used in a picture string passed to CEEDATM, but the input number-of-seconds value was not within the supported range. The era could not be determined.
IWZ2507S Insufficient data was passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS. The Lilian value was not calculated.
IWZ2508S The date value passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS was invalid.
IWZ2509S The era passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS was not recognized.
IWZ2510S The hours value in a call to CEEISEC or CEESECS was not recognized.
IWZ2511S The day parameter passed in a CEEISEC call was invalid for year and month specified.
IWZ2512S The Lilian date value passed in a call to CEEDATE or CEEDYWK was not within the supported range.
IWZ2513S The input date passed in a CEEISEC, CEEDAYS, or CEESECS call was not within the supported range.
IWZ2514S The year value passed in a CEEISEC call was not within the supported range.
IWZ2515S The milliseconds value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.
IWZ2516S The minutes value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.
IWZ2517S The month value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.
IWZ2518S An invalid picture string was specified in a call to a date/time service.
IWZ2519S The seconds value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.
IWZ2520S CEEDAYS detected nonnumeric data in a numeric field, or the date string did not match the picture string.
IWZ2521S The <JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC> year-within-era value passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS was zero.
IWZ2522S An era (<JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC>) was used in a picture string passed to CEEDATE, but the Lilian date value was not within the supported range. The era could not be determined.
IWZ2525S CEESECS detected nonnumeric data in a numeric field, or the time-stamp string did not match the picture string.
IWZ2526S The date string returned by CEEDATE was truncated.
IWZ2527S The time-stamp string returned by CEEDATM was truncated.
IWZ2531S The local time was not available from the system.
IWZ2533S The value passed to CEESCEN was not between 0 and 100.
IWZ2534W Insufficient field width was specified for a month or weekday name in a call to CEEDATE or CEEDATM. Output set to blanks.


The reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number addressed an area outside the region of the table.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a fixed-length table has been subscripted in a way that exceeds the defined size of the table, or, for variable-length tables, the maximum size of the table.

The range check was performed on the composite of the subscripts and resulted in an address outside the region of the table. For variable-length tables, the address is outside the region of the table defined when all OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects are at their maximum values; the ODO object's current value is not considered. The check was not performed on individual subscripts.

Programmer response: Ensure that the value of literal subscripts and the value of variable subscripts as evaluated at run time do not exceed the subscripted dimensions for subscripted data in the failing statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


The reference to variable-length group group-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number addressed an area outside the maximum defined length of the group.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a variable-length group generated by OCCURS DEPENDING ON has a length that is less than zero, or is greater than the limits defined in the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses.

The range check was performed on the composite length of the group, and not on the individual OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects.

Programmer response: Ensure that OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects as evaluated at run time do not exceed the maximum number of occurrences of the dimension for tables within the referenced group item.

System action: The application was terminated.


Invalid run unit termination occurred while sort or merge is running.

Explanation: A sort or merge initiated by a COBOL program was in progress and one of the following was attempted:

  1. A STOP RUN was issued.
  2. A GOBACK or an EXIT PROGRAM was issued within the input procedure or the output procedure of the COBOL program that initiated the sort or merge. Note that the GOBACK and EXIT PROGRAM statements are allowed in a program called by an input procedure or an output procedure.

Programmer response: Change the application so that it does not use one of the above methods to end the sort or merge.

System action: The application was terminated.


Sort or merge requested while sort or merge is running in a different thread.

Explanation: Running sort or merge in two or more threads at the same time is not supported.

Programmer response: Always run sort or merge in the same thread. Alternatively, include code before each call to the sort or merge that determines if sort or merge is running in another thread. If sort or merge is running in another thread, then wait for that thread to finish. If it isn't, then set a flag to indicate sort or merge is running and call sort or merge.

System action: The thread is terminated.


The SORT-RETURN special register was never referenced, but the current content indicated the sort or merge operation in program program-name on line number line-number was unsuccessful. The sort or merge return code was return code.

Explanation: The COBOL source does not contain any references to the SORT-RETURN register. The compiler generates a test after each sort or merge verb. A nonzero return code has been passed back to the program by Sort or Merge.

Programmer response: Determine why the Sort or Merge was unsuccessful and fix the problem. See Sort and merge error numbers for the list of possible return codes.

System action: No system action was taken.


Argument-1 for function function-name in program program-name at line line-number was less than zero.

Explanation: An illegal value for argument-1 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-1 is greater than or equal to zero.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-2 for function function-name in program program-name at line line-number was not a positive integer.

Explanation: An illegal value for argument-1 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-2 is a positive integer.

System action: The application was terminated.


Truncation of high order digit positions occurred in program program-name on line number line-number.

Explanation: The generated code has truncated an intermediate result (that is, temporary storage used during an arithmetic calculation) to 30 digits; some of the truncated digits were not 0.

Programmer response: See the Related concepts at the end of this section for a description of intermediate results.

System action: No system action was taken.


The flow of control in program program-name proceeded beyond the last line of the program. Control returned to the caller of the program program-name.

Explanation: The program did not have a terminator (STOP, GOBACK, or EXIT), and control fell through the last instruction.

Programmer response: Check the logic of the program. Sometimes this error occurs because of one of the following logic errors:

  • The last paragraph in the program was only supposed to receive control as the result of a PERFORM statement, but due to a logic error it was branched to by a GO TO statement.
  • The last paragraph in the program was executed as the result of a "fall-through" path, and there was no statement at the end of the paragraph to end the program.

System action: No system action was taken.


A reference modification length value of reference-modification-value on line line-number which was not equal to 1 was found in a reference to data item data-item.

Explanation: The length value in a reference modification specification was not equal to 1. The length value must be equal to 1.

Programmer response: Check the indicated line number in the program to ensure that any reference modified length values are (or will resolve to) 1.

System action: The application was terminated.


An invalid overpunched sign was detected.

Explanation: The value in the sign position was not valid.

Given X'sd', where s is the sign representation and d represents the digit, the valid sign representations for external decimal (USAGE DISPLAY without the SIGN IS SEPARATE clause) are:

Positive: 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, A, and B
Negative: 4, 5, 6, 7, C, D, E, and F

Signs generated internally are 3 for positive and unsigned, and 7 for negative.

Given X'ds', where d represents the digit and s is the sign representation, the valid sign representations for internal decimal (USAGE PACKED-DECIMAL) COBOL data are:

Positive: A, C, E, and F
Negative: B and D

Signs generated internally are C for positive and unsigned, and D for negative.

Programmer response: This error might have occurred because of a REDEFINES clause involving the sign position or a group move involving the sign position, or the position was never initialized. Check for the above cases.

System action: The application was terminated.


An invalid separate sign was detected.

Explanation: An operation was attempted on data defined with a separate sign. The value in the sign position was not a plus (+) or a minus (-).

Programmer response: This error might have occurred because of a REDEFINES clause involving the sign position or a group move involving the sign position, or the position was never initialized. Check for the above cases.

System action: The application was terminated.


A negative base was raised to a fractional power in an exponentiation expression. The absolute value of the base was used.

Explanation: A negative number raised to a fractional power occurred in a library routine.

The value of a negative number raised to a fractional power is undefined in COBOL. If a SIZE ERROR clause had appeared on the statement in question, the SIZE ERROR imperative would have been used. However, no SIZE ERROR clause was present, so the absolute value of the base was used in the exponentiation.

Programmer response: Ensure that the program variables in the failing statement have been set correctly.

System action: No system action was taken.


A zero base was raised to a zero power in an exponentiation expression. The result was set to one.

Explanation: The value of zero raised to the power zero occurred in a library routine.

The value of zero raised to the power zero is undefined in COBOL. If a SIZE ERROR clause had appeared on the statement in question, the SIZE ERROR imperative would have been used. However, no SIZE ERROR clause was present, so the value returned was one.

Programmer response: Ensure that the program variables in the failing statement have been set correctly.

System action: No system action was taken.


A zero base was raised to a negative power in an exponentiation expression.

Explanation: The value of zero raised to a negative power occurred in a library routine.

The value of zero raised to a negative number is not defined. If a SIZE ERROR clause had appeared on the statement in question, the SIZE ERROR imperative would have been used. However, no SIZE ERROR clause was present.

Programmer response: Ensure that the program variables in the failing statement have been set correctly.

System action: The application was terminated.


No significant digits remain in a fixed-point exponentiation operation in program program-name due to excessive decimal positions specified in the operands or receivers.

Explanation: A fixed-point calculation produced a result that had no significant digits because the operands or receiver had too many decimal positions.

Programmer response: Modify the PICTURE clauses of the operands or the receiving numeric item as needed to have additional integer positions and fewer decimal positions.

System action: The application was terminated.


An overflow occurred on conversion to floating point.

Explanation: A number was generated in the program that is too large to be represented in floating point.

Programmer response: You need to modify the program appropriately to avoid an overflow.

System action: The application was terminated.


A floating point exception occurred.

Explanation: A floating-point calculation has produced an illegal result. Floating-point calculations are done using IEEE floating-point arithmetic, which can produce results called NaN (Not a Number). For example, the result of 0 divided by 0 is NaN.

Programmer response: Modify the program to test the arguments to this operation so that NaN is not produced.

System action: The application was terminated.


An underflow occurred on conversion to floating point. The result was set to zero.

Explanation: On conversion to floating point, the negative exponent exceeded the limit of the hardware. The floating-point value was set to zero.

Programmer response: No action is necessary, although you may want to modify the program to avoid an underflow.

System action: No system action was taken.


Exponent overflow occurred.

Explanation: Floating-point exponent overflow occurred in a library routine.

Programmer response: Ensure that the program variables in the failing statement have been set correctly.

System action: The application was terminated.


An exponent with more than nine digits was truncated.

Explanation: Exponents in fixed point exponentiations may not contain more than nine digits. The exponent was truncated back to nine digits; some of the truncated digits were not 0.

Programmer response: No action is necessary, although you may want to adjust the exponent in the failing statement.

System action: No system action was taken.


Truncation of high-order digit positions occurred.

Explanation: Code in a library routine has truncated an intermediate result (that is, temporary storage used during an arithmetic calculation) back to 30 digits; some of the truncated digits were not 0.

Programmer response: See the Related concepts at the end of this section for a description of intermediate results.

System action: No system action was taken.


Division by zero occurred.

Explanation: Division by zero occurred in a library routine. Division by zero is not defined. If a SIZE ERROR clause had appeared on the statement in question, the SIZE ERROR imperative would have been used. However, no SIZE ERROR clause was present.

Programmer response: Ensure that the program variables in the failing statement have been set correctly.

System action: The application was terminated.


An invalid sign was detected in a numeric edited sending field in program-name on line number line-number.

Explanation: An attempt has been made to move a signed numeric edited field to a signed numeric or numeric edited receiving field in a MOVE statement. However, the sign position in the sending field contained a character that was not a valid sign character for the corresponding PICTURE.

Programmer response: Ensure that the program variables in the failing statement have been set correctly.

System action: The application was terminated.


A recursive call to active program program-name in compilation unit compilation-unit was attempted.

Explanation: COBOL does not allow reinvocation of an internal program which has begun execution, but has not yet terminated. For example, if internal programs A and B are siblings of a containing program, and A calls B and B calls A, this message will be issued.

Programmer response: Examine your program to eliminate calls to active internal programs.

System action: The application was terminated.


A CANCEL of active program program-name in compilation unit compilation-unit was attempted.

Explanation: An attempt was made to cancel an active internal program. For example, if internal programs A and B are siblings in a containing program and A calls B and B cancels A, this message will be issued.

Programmer response: Examine your program to eliminate cancellation of active internal programs.

System action: The application was terminated.


The length of external data record data-record in program program-name did not match the existing length of the record.

Explanation: While processing External data records during program initialization, it was determined that an External data record was previously defined in another program in the run-unit, and the length of the record as specified in the current program was not the same as the previously defined length.

Programmer response: Examine the current file and ensure the External data records are specified correctly.

System action: The application was terminated.


ALL subscripted table reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number had an ALL subscript specified for an OCCURS DEPENDING ON dimension, and the object was less than or equal to 0.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that there are 0 occurrences of dimension subscripted by ALL.

The check is performed against the current value of the OCCURS DEPENDING ON object.

Programmer response: Ensure that ODO objects of ALL-subscripted dimensions of any subscripted items in the indicated statement are positive.

System action: The application was terminated.


A reference modification start position value of reference-modification-value on line line-number referenced an area outside the region of data item data-item.

Explanation: The value of the starting position in a reference modification specification was less than 1, or was greater than the current length of the data item that was being reference modified. The starting position value must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified data item.

Programmer response: Check the value of the starting position in the reference modification specification.

System action: The application was terminated.


A nonpositive reference modification length value of reference-modification-value on line line-number was found in a reference to data item data-item.

Explanation: The length value in a reference modification specification was less than or equal to 0. The length value must be a positive integer.

Programmer response: Check the indicated line number in the program to ensure that any reference modified length values are (or will resolve to) positive integers.

System action: The application was terminated.


A reference modification start position value of reference-modification-value and length value of length on line line-number caused reference to be made beyond the rightmost character of data item data-item.

Explanation: The starting position and length value in a reference modification specification combine to address an area beyond the end of the reference modified data item. The sum of the starting position and length value minus one must be less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified data item.

Programmer response: Check the indicated line number in the program to ensure that any reference modified start and length values are set such that a reference is not made beyond the rightmost character of the data item.

System action: The application was terminated.


Inconsistencies were found in EXTERNAL file file-name in program program-name. The following file attributes did not match those of the established external file: attribute-1 attribute-2 attribute-3 attribute-4 attribute-5 attribute-6 attribute-7.

Explanation: One or more attributes of an external file did not match between two programs that defined it.

Programmer response: Correct the external file. For a summary of file attributes that must match between definitions of the same external file, see the COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference.

System Action: The application was terminated.


The number of characters in the INSPECT REPLACING CHARACTERS BY data-name was not equal to one. The first character was used.

Explanation: A data item which appears in a CHARACTERS phrase within a REPLACING phrase in an INSPECT statement must be defined as being one character in length. Because of a reference modification specification for this data item, the resultant length value was not equal to one. The length value is assumed to be one.

Programmer response: You may correct the reference modification specifications in the failing INSPECT statement to ensure that the reference modification length is (or will resolve to) 1; programmer action is not required.

System action: No system action was taken.


The lengths of the INSPECT data items were not equal. The shorter length was used.

Explanation: The two data items which appear in a REPLACING or CONVERTING phrase in an INSPECT statement must have equal lengths, except when the second such item is a figurative constant. Because of the reference modification for one or both of these data items, the resultant length values were not equal. The shorter length value is applied to both items, and execution proceeds.

Programmer response: You may adjust the operands of unequal length in the failing INSPECT statement; programmer action is not required.

System action: No system action was taken.


ALL subscripted table reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number will exceed the upper bound of the table.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a multidimensional table with ALL specified as one or more of the subscripts will result in a reference beyond the upper limit of the table.

The range check was performed on the composite of the subscripts and the maximum occurrences for the ALL subscripted dimensions. For variable-length tables the address is outside the region of the table defined when all OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects are at their maximum values; the ODO object's current value is not considered. The check was not performed on individual subscripts.

Programmer response: Ensure that OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects as evaluated at run time do not exceed the maximum number of occurrences of the dimension for table items referenced in the failing statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


Message variants include:
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. A load of module module-name failed with an error code of error-code.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. A load of module module-name failed with a return code of return-code.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. Insufficient resources.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. COBPATH not found in environment.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. Entry entry-name not found.
  • Dynamic call failed. The name of the target program does not contain any valid characters.
  • Dynamic call of program program-name failed. The load module load-module could not be found in the directories identified in the COBPATH environment variable.

Explanation: A dynamic call failed due to one of the reasons listed in the message variants above. In the above, the value of error-code is the errno set by load.

Programmer response: Check that COBPATH is defined. Check that the module exists. Check that the name of the module to be loaded matches the name of the entry called. Check that the module to be loaded is built correctly using the appropriate cob2 options.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name contained no digits.

Explanation: Argument-1 for the indicated function must contain at least 1 digit.

Programmer response: Adjust the number of digits in Argument-1 in the failing statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function was less than or equal to -1.

Explanation: An illegal value was used for Argument-1.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-1 is greater than -1.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 99.

Explanation: An illegal value was used for Argument-1.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 99999.

Explanation: An illegal value was used for Argument-1.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 999999.

Explanation: An illegal value was used for Argument-1.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name contained more than 18 digits.

Explanation: The total number of digits in Argument-1 of the indicated function exceeded 18 digits.

Programmer response: Adjust the number of digits in Argument-1 in the failing statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


Invalid character character was found in column column-number in argument-1 for function function-name.

Explanation: A nondigit character other than a decimal point, comma, space or sign (+,-,CR,DB) was found in argument-1 for NUMVAL/NUMVAL-C function.

Programmer response: Correct argument-1 for NUMVAL or NUMVAL-C in the indicated statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


Invalid character character was found in column column-number in argument-2 for function function-name.

Explanation: Illegal character was found in argument-2 for NUMVAL-C function.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument does follow the syntax rules.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 28.

Explanation: Input argument to function FACTORIAL is greater than 28 or less than 0.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


The length of Argument-1 for function function-name was not equal to 1.

Explanation: The length of input argument to ORD function is not 1.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is only 1 byte long.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero or greater than 29.

Explanation: Input argument to function FACTORIAL is greater than 29 or less than 0.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 1 or greater than 3067671.

Explanation: The input argument to DATE-OF-INTEGER or DAY-OF-INTEGER function is less than 1 or greater than 3067671.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 16010101 or greater than 99991231.

Explanation: The input argument to function INTEGER-OF-DATE is less than 16010101 or greater than 99991231.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 1601001 or greater than 9999365.

Explanation: The input argument to function INTEGER-OF-DAY is less than 1601001 or greater than 9999365.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than 1 or greater than the number of positions in the program collating sequence.

Explanation: The input argument to function CHAR is less than 1 or greater than the highest ordinal position in the program collating sequence.

Programmer response: Check that the function argument is in the valid range.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than zero.

Explanation: The input argument to function RANDOM is less than 0.

Programmer response: Correct the argument for function RANDOM in the failing statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


A reference modification start position value of start-position-value on line line number referenced an area outside the region of the function result of function-result.

Explanation: The value of the starting position in a reference modification specification was less than 1, or was greater than the current length of the function result that was being reference modified. The starting position value must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified function result.

Programmer response: Check the value of the starting position in the reference modification specification and the length of the actual function result.

System action: The application was terminated.


A nonpositive reference modification length value of length on line line-number was found in a reference to the function result of function-result.

Explanation: The length value in a reference modification specification for a function result was less than or equal to 0. The length value must be a positive integer.

Programmer response: Check the length value and make appropriate correction.

System action: The application was terminated.


A reference modification start position value of start-position and length value of length on line line-number caused reference to be made beyond the rightmost character of the function result of function-result.

Explanation: The starting position and length value in a reference modification specification combine to address an area beyond the end of the reference modified function result. The sum of the starting position and length value minus one must be less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified function result.

Programmer response: Check the length of the reference modification specification against the actual length of the function result and make appropriate corrections.

System action: The application was terminated.


SYSPUNCH/SYSPCH will default to the system logical output device. The corresponding environment variable has not been set.

Explanation: COBOL environment names (such as SYSPUNCH/SYSPCH) are used as the environment variable names corresponding to the mnemonic names used on ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements. Set them equal to files, not existing directory names. To set environment variables, use the export command.

You can set environment variables either persistently or temporarily.

Programmer response: If you do not want SYSPUNCH/SYSPCH to default to the screen, set the corresponding environment variable.

System action: No system action was taken.


Unknown device type for DISPLAY statement.

Explanation: An unknown device type was specified in environment-name-1 or the environment name associated with mnemonic-name-1 of the DISPLAY statement.

Programmer response: Specify a valid device type. For valid types, see the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph.

System action: The application was terminated.


Illegal data type for DISPLAY operand.

Explanation: An invalid data type was specified as the target of the DISPLAY statement.

Programmer response: Specify a valid data type. The following data types are not valid:

  • Data items defined with USAGE IS FUNCTION-POINTER
  • Data items defined with USAGE IS PROCEDURE-POINTER
  • Data items or index names defined with USAGE IS INDEX

System action: The application was terminated.


string-name is not a valid runtime option.

Explanation: string-name is not a valid option.

Programmer response: CHECK, DEBUG, ERRCOUNT, FILESYS, TRAP, and UPSI are valid runtime options.

System action: string-name is ignored.


The string string-name is not a valid suboption of the runtime option option-name.

Explanation: string-name was not in the set of recognized values.

Programmer response: Remove the invalid suboption string from the runtime option option-name.

System action: The invalid suboption is ignored.


The suboption string string-name of the runtime option option-name must be number of characters long. The default will be used.

Explanation: The number of characters for the suboption string string-name of runtime option option-name is invalid.

Programmer response: If you do not want to accept the default, specify a valid character length.

System action: The default value will be used.


The suboption string string-name of the runtime option option-name contains one or more invalid characters. The default will be used.

Explanation: At least one invalid character was detected in the specified suboption.

Programmer response: If you do not want to accept the default, specify valid characters.

System action: The default value will be used.


There is no support for routine routine-name on this system.

Explanation: routine-name is not supported.

Programmer response:

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was greater than decimal-value.

Explanation: An illegal value for argument-1 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure argument-1 is less than or equal to decimal-value.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-2 for function function-name was equal to decimal-value.

Explanation: An illegal value for argument-2 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure argument-1 is not equal to decimal-value.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than or equal to decimal-value.

Explanation: An illegal value for Argument-1 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure that Argument-1 is greater than decimal-value.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was less than decimal-value.

Explanation: An illegal value for Argument-1 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure that Argument-1 is equal to or greater than decimal-value.

System action: The application was terminated.


Argument-1 for function function-name was not an integer.

Explanation: An illegal value for Argument-1 was used.

Programmer response: Ensure that Argument-1 is an integer.

System action: The application was terminated.


An invalid character was found in the numeric string string of the runtime option option-name. The default will be used.

Explanation: string did not contain all decimal numeric characters.

Programmer response: If you do not want the default value, correct the runtime option's string to contain all numeric characters.

System action: The default will be used.


The number number of the runtime option option-name exceeded the range of min-range to max-range. The default will be used.

Explanation: number exceeded the range of min-range to max-range.

Programmer response: Correct the runtime option's string to be within the valid range.

System action: The default will be used.


The function name in _iwzCOBOLInit did a return.

Explanation: The run unit termination exit routine returned to the function that invoked the routine (the function specified in function_code).

Programmer response: Rewrite the function so that the run unit termination exit routine does a longjump or exit instead of return to the function.

System action: The application was terminated.


Error detected during I/O operation for file file-name. File status is: file-status.

Explanation: An error was detected during a file I/O operation. No file status was specified for the file and no applicable error declarative is in effect for the file.

Programmer response: Correct the condition described in this message. You can specify the FILE STATUS clause for the file if you want to detect the error and take appropriate actions within your source program.

System action: The application was terminated.


STOP or ACCEPT failed with an I/O error, error-code. The run unit is terminated.

Explanation: A STOP or ACCEPT statement failed.

Programmer response: Check that the STOP or ACCEPT refers to a legitimate file or terminal device.

System action: The application was terminated.


Message variants include:
Access Intent List Error.
Concurrent Opens Exceeds Maximum.
Cursor Not Selecting a Record Position.
Data Stream Syntax Error.
Duplicate Key Different Index.
Duplicate Key Same Index.
Duplicate Record Number.
File Temporarily Not Available.
File system cannot be found.
File Space Not Available.
File Closed with Damage.
Invalid Key Definition.
Invalid Base File Name.
Key Update Not Allowed by Different Index.
Key Update Not Allowed by Same Index.
No Update Intent on Record.
Not Authorized to Use Access Method.
Not Authorized to Directory.
Not Authorized to Function.
Not authorized to File.
Parameter Value Not Supported.
Parameter Not Supported.
Record Number Out of Bounds.
Record Length Mismatch.
Resource Limits Reached in Target System.
Resource Limits Reached in Source System.

Address Error.
Command Check.
Duplicate File Name.
End of File Condition.
Existing Condition.
File Handle Not Found.
Field Length Error.
File Not Found.
File Damaged.
File is Full.
File In Use.
Function Not Supported.
Invalid Access Method.
Invalid Data Record.
Invalid Key Length.
Invalid File Name.
Invalid Request.
Invalid Flag.
Object Not Supported.
Record Not Available.
Record Not Found.
Record Inactive.
Record Damaged.
Record In Use.
Update Cursor Error.

Explanation: An error was detected during an I/O operation for an STL file. No file status was specified for the file and no applicable error declarative is in effect for the file.

Programmer response: Correct the condition described in this message.

System action: The application was terminated.


The code page in effect is not a DBCS code page.

Explanation: References to DBCS data were made with a non-DBCS code page in effect.

Programmer response: For DBCS data, specify a valid DBCS code page. Valid DBCS code pages are:

Country or region Code page
Japan IBM®-932
Korea IBM-1363
People's Republic of China (Simplified) IBM-1386
Taiwan (Traditional)  

Note: The code pages listed above might not be supported for a specific version or release of that platform.

System Action: The application was terminated.


An error occurred during conversion from ASCII DBCS to EBCDIC DBCS.

Explanation: A Kanji or DBCS class test failed due to an error detected during the ASCII character string EBCDIC string conversion.

Programmer response: Verify that the locale in effect is consistent with the ASCII character string being tested. No action is likely to be required if the locale setting is correct. The class test is likely to indicate the string to be non-Kanji or non-DBCS correctly.

System action: The application was terminated.


The ICU converter for the code page, codepage value, can not be opened. The error code is error code value.

Explanation: The ICU converter to convert between the code page and UTF-16 cannot be opened.

Programmer response: Verify that the code-page value identifies a primary or alias code-page name that is supported by ICU conversion libraries (see International Components for Unicode: Converter Explorer). If the code-page value is valid, contact your IBM representative.

System action: The application was terminated.


Data conversion via ICU failed with error code error code value.

Explanation: The data conversion through ICU failed.

Programmer response: Contact your IBM representative.

System action: The application was terminated.


Close of ICU converter failed with error code error code value.

Explanation: The close of an ICU converter failed.

Programmer response: Contact your IBM representative.

System action: No system action was taken.


ICU collator for the locale value, locale value, can not be opened. The error code is error code value.

Explanation: The ICU collator for the locale cannot be opened.

Programmer response: Contact your IBM representative.

System action: The application was terminated.


Unicode case mapping function using ICU failed with error code error code value. The locale in effect is locale value.

Explanation: The ICU case mapping function failed.

Programmer response: Contact your IBM representative.

System action: The application was terminated.


The conversion table for the current code page, ASCII codeset-id, to the EBCDIC code page, EBCDIC codeset-id, is not available. The default ASCII to EBCDIC conversion table will be used.

Explanation: The application has a module that was compiled with the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option. At run time a translation table will be built to handle the conversion from the current ASCII code page to an EBCDIC code page specified by the EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable. This error occurred because either a conversion table is not available for the specified code pages, or the specification of the EBCDIC_CODE page is invalid. Execution will continue with a default conversion table based on ASCII code page IBM-1252 or equivalent and EBCDIC code page IBM-037 or equivalent.

Programmer response: Verify that the EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable has a valid value.

If EBCDIC_CODEPAGE is not set, the default value, IBM-037, will be used. This is the default code page used by Enterprise COBOL for z/OS®.

System action: No system action was taken.


The EBCDIC code page specified, EBCDIC codepage, is not consistent with the locale locale, but will be used as requested.

Explanation: The application has a module that was compiled with the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option. This error occurred because the code page specified is not the same language as the current locale.

Programmer response: Verify that the EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable is valid for this locale.

System action: No system action was taken.


The EBCDIC code page specified, EBCDIC codepage, is not supported. The default EBCDIC code page, EBCDIC codepage, will be used.

Explanation: The application has a module that was compiled with the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option. This error occurred because the specification of the EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable is invalid. Execution will continue with the default host code page that corresponds to the current locale.

Programmer response: Verify that the EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable has a valid value.

System action: No system action was taken.


The EBCDIC conversion table cannot be opened.

Explanation: The current system installation does not include the translation table for the default ASCII and EBCDIC code pages.

Programmer response: Reinstall the compiler and run time. If the problem still persists, call your IBM representative.

System action: The application was terminated.


The EBCDIC conversion table cannot be built.

Explanation: The ASCII to EBCDIC conversion table has been opened, but the conversion failed.

Programmer response: Retry the execution from a new window.

System action: The application was terminated.


The main program was compiled with both the -host flag and the CHAR(NATIVE) option, which are not compatible.

Explanation: Compilation with both the -host flag and the CHAR(NATIVE) option is not supported.

Programmer response: Either remove the -host flag, or remove the CHAR(NATIVE) option. The -host flag sets CHAR(EBCDIC).

System action: The application was terminated.


Query of current locale setting failed.

Explanation: A query of the execution environment failed to identify a valid locale setting. The current locale needs to be established to access appropriate message files and set the collating order. It is also used by the date/time services and for EBCDIC character support.

Programmer response: Check the settings for the following environment variable:

This should be set to a locale that has been installed on your machine. Enter locale -a to get a list of the valid values. The default value is en_US.

System action: The application was terminated.


Message variants include:
  • An error occurred during the conversion of data item data-name to EBCDIC in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion of data item data-name to ASCII in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion to EBCDIC for data item data-name in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion to ASCII for data item data-name in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion from ASCII to EBCDIC in program program-name on line number decimal-value.
  • An error occurred during the conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII in program program-name on line number decimal-value.

Explanation: The data in an identifier could not be converted between ASCII and EBCDIC formats as requested by the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option.

Programmer response: Check that the appropriate ASCII and EBCDIC locales are installed and selected. Check that the data in the identifier is valid and can be represented in both ASCII and EBCDIC format.

System action: No system action was taken. The data remains in its unconverted form.


The base year for program program-name was outside the valid range of 1900 through 1999. The sliding window value window-value resulted in a base year of base-year.

Explanation: When the 100-year window was computed using the current year and the sliding window value specified with the YEARWINDOW compiler option, the base year of the 100-year window was outside the valid range of 1900 through 1999.

Programmer response: Examine the application design to determine if it will support a change to the YEARWINDOW option value. If the application can run with a change to the YEARWINDOW option value, then compile the program with an appropriate YEARWINDOW option value. If the application cannot run with a change to the YEARWINDOW option value, then convert all date fields to expanded dates and compile the program with NODATEPROC.

System action: The application was terminated.


The current year was outside the 100-year window, year-start through year-end, for program program-name.

Explanation: The current year was outside the 100-year fixed window specified by the YEARWINDOW compiler option value.

For example, if a COBOL program is compiled with YEARWINDOW(1920), the 100-year window for the program is 1920 through 2019. When the program is run in the year 2020, this error message would occur since the current year is not within the 100-year window.

Programmer response: Examine the application design to determine if it will support a change to the YEARWINDOW option value. If the application can run with a change to the YEARWINDOW option value, then compile the program with an appropriate YEARWINDOW option value. If the application cannot run with a change to the YEARWINDOW option value, then convert all date fields to expanded dates and compile the program with NODATEPROC.

System action: The application was terminated.


There was an invalid attempt to start an XML PARSE statement.

Explanation: An XML PARSE statement initiated by a COBOL program was already in progress when another XML PARSE statement was attempted by the same COBOL program. Only one XML PARSE statement can be active in a given invocation of a COBOL program.

Programmer response: Change the application so that it does not initiate another XML PARSE statement from within the same COBOL program.

System action: The application is terminated.


There was an invalid attempt to end an XML PARSE statement.

Explanation: An XML PARSE statement initiated by a COBOL program was in progress and one of the following actions was attempted:

  • A GOBACK or an EXIT PROGRAM statement was issued within the COBOL program that initiated the XML PARSE statement.
  • A user handler associated with the program that initiated the XML PARSE statement moved the condition handler resume cursor and resumed the application.

Programmer response: Change the application so that it does not use one of the above methods to end the XML PARSE statement.

System action: The application is terminated.


Insufficient storage was available to satisfy a get storage request.

Explanation: There was not enough free storage available to satisfy a get storage or reallocate request. This message indicates that storage management could not obtain sufficient storage from the operating system.

Programmer response: Ensure that you have sufficient storage available to run your application.

System action: No storage is allocated.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE0PD


Message variants include:
  • Program exits due to severe or critical error.
  • Program exits: more than ERRCOUNT errors occurred.

Explanation: Every severe or critical message is followed by an IWZ901 message. An IWZ901 message is also issued if you used the ERRCOUNT runtime option and the number of warning messages exceeds ERRCOUNT.

Programmer response: See the severe or critical message, or increase ERRCOUNT.

System action: The application was terminated.


The system detected a Decimal-divide exception.

Explanation: An attempt to divide a number by 0 was detected.

Programmer response: Modify the program. For example, add ON SIZE ERROR to the flagged statement.

System action: The application was terminated.


The system detected a data exception.

Explanation: An operation on packed-decimal or zoned decimal data failed because the data contained an invalid value.

Programmer response: Verify the data is valid packed-decimal or zoned decimal data.

System action: The application was terminated.


Message variants include:
  • Insufficient storage.
  • Insufficient storage. Cannot get number-bytes bytes of space for storage.

Explanation: The runtime library requested virtual memory space and the operating system denied the request.

Programmer response: Your program uses a large amount of virtual memory and it ran out of space. The problem is usually not due to a particular statement, but is associated with the program as a whole. Look at your use of OCCURS clauses and reduce the size of your tables.

System action: The application was terminated.


Insufficient storage. Cannot find space for message message-number.

Explanation: The runtime library requested virtual memory space and the operating system denied the request.

Programmer response: Your program uses a large amount of virtual memory and it ran out of space. The problem is usually not due to a particular statement, but is associated with the program as a whole. Look at your use of OCCURS clauses and reduce the size of your tables.

System action: No system action was taken.


Cannot find message message-number in message-catalog.

Explanation: The runtime library cannot find either the message catalog or a particular message in the message catalog.

Programmer response: Check that the COBOL library and messages were correctly installed and that LANG and NLSPATH are specified correctly.

System action: No system action was taken.


Message variants include:
  • system exception signal received while executing routine routine-name at offset 0xoffset-value.
  • system exception signal received while executing code at location 0xoffset-value.
  • system exception signal received. The location could not be determined.

Explanation: The operating system has detected an illegal action, such as an attempt to store into a protected area of memory or the operating system has detected that you pressed the interrupt key (typically the Control-C key, but it can be reconfigured).

Programmer response: If the signal was due to an illegal action, run the program under the debugger and it will give you more precise information as to where the error occurred. An example of this type of error is a pointer with an illegal value.

System action: The application was terminated.


The UTC/GMT was not available from the system.

Explanation: A call to CEEUTC or CEEGMT failed because the system clock was in an invalid state. The current time could not be determined.

Programmer response: Notify systems support personnel that the system clock is in an invalid state.

System action: All output values are set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2E6


The offset from UTC/GMT to local time was not available from the system.

Explanation: A call to CEEGMTO failed because either (1) the current operating system could not be determined, or (2) the time zone field in the operating system control block appears to contain invalid data.

Programmer response: Notify systems support personnel that the local time offset stored in the operating system appears to contain invalid data.

System action: All output values are set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2E7


The input_seconds value in a call to CEEDATM or CEESECI was not within the supported range.

Explanation: The input_seconds value passed in a call to CEEDATM or CEESECI was not a floating-point number between 86,400.0 and 265,621,679,999.999 The input parameter should represent the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on 14 October 1582, with 00:00:00.000 15 October 1582 being the first supported date/time, and 23:59:59.999 31 December 9999 being the last supported date/time.

Programmer response: Verify that input parameter contains a floating-point value between 86,400.0 and 265,621,679,999.999.

System action: For CEEDATM, the output value is set to blanks. For CEESECI, all output parameters are set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2E9


An era (<JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC>) was was used in a picture string passed to CEEDATM, but the input number-of-seconds value was not within the supported range. The era could not be determined.

Explanation: In a CEEDATM call, the picture string indicates that the input value is to be converted to an era; however the input value that was specified lies outside the range of supported eras.

Programmer response: Verify that the input value contains a valid number-of-seconds value within the range of supported eras.

System action: The output value is set to blanks.


Insufficient data was passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS. The Lilian value was not calculated.

Explanation: The picture string passed in a CEEDAYS or CEESECS call did not contain enough information. For example, it is an error to use the picture string 'MM/DD' (month and day only) in a call to CEEDAYS or CEESECS, because the year value is missing. The minimum information required to calculate a Lilian value is either (1) month, day and year, or (2) year and Julian day.

Programmer response: Verify that the picture string specified in a call to CEEDAYS or CEESECS specifies, as a minimum, the location in the input string of either (1) the year, month, and day, or (2) the year and Julian day.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EB


The date value passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS was invalid.

Explanation: In a CEEDAYS or CEESECS call, the value in the DD or DDD field is not valid for the given year and/or month. For example, 'MM/DD/YY' with '02/29/90', or 'YYYY.DDD' with '1990.366' are invalid because 1990 is not a leap year. This code may also be returned for any nonexistent date value such as June 31st, January 0.

Programmer response: Verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification and that input data contains a valid date.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EC


The era passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS was not recognized.

Explanation: The value in the <JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC> field passed in a call to CEEDAYS or CEESECS does not contain a supported era name.

Programmer response: Verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification and that the spelling of the era name is correct. Note that the era name must be a proper DBCS string where the '<' position must contain the first byte of the era name.

System action: The output value is set to 0.


The hours value in a call to CEEISEC or CEESECS was not recognized.

Explanation: (1) In a CEEISEC call, the hours parameter did not contain a number between 0 and 23, or (2) in a CEESECS call, the value in the HH (hours) field does not contain a number between 0 and 23, or the "AP" (a.m./p.m.) field is present and the HH field does not contain a number between 1 and 12.

Programmer response: For CEEISEC, verify that the hours parameter contains an integer between 0 and 23. For CEESECS, verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification, and that the hours field contains a value between 0 and 23, (or 1 and 12 if the "AP" field is used).

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EE


The day parameter passed in a CEEISEC call was invalid for year and month specified.

Explanation: The day parameter passed in a CEEISEC call did not contain a valid day number. The combination of year, month, and day formed an invalid date value. Examples: year=1990, month=2, day=29; or month=6, day=31; or day=0.

Programmer response: Verify that the day parameter contains an integer between 1 and 31, and that the combination of year, month, and day represents a valid date.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EF


The Lilian date value passed in a call to CEEDATE or CEEDYWK was not within the supported range.

Explanation: The Lilian day number passed in a call to CEEDATE or CEEDYWK was not a number between 1 and 3,074,324.

Programmer response: Verify that the input parameter contains an integer between 1 and 3,074,324.

System action: The output value is set to blanks.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EG


The input date passed in a CEEISEC, CEEDAYS, or CEESECS call was not within the supported range.

Explanation: The input date passed in a CEEISEC, CEEDAYS, or CEESECS call was earlier than 15 October 1582, or later than 31 December 9999.

Programmer response: For CEEISEC, verify that the year, month, and day parameters form a date greater than or equal to 15 October 1582. For CEEDAYS and CEESECS, verify that the format of the input date matches the picture string specification, and that the input date is within the supported range.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EH


The year value passed in a CEEISEC call was not within the supported range.

Explanation: The year parameter passed in a CEEISEC call did not contain a number between 1582 and 9999.

Programmer response: Verify that the year parameter contains valid data, and that the year parameter includes the century, for example, specify year 1990, not year 90.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EI


The milliseconds value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.

Explanation: In a CEEISEC call, the milliseconds parameter (input_milliseconds) did not contain a number between 0 and 999.

Programmer response: Verify that the milliseconds parameter contains an integer between 0 and 999.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EJ


The minutes value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.

Explanation: (1) In a CEEISEC call, the minutes parameter (input_minutes) did not contain a number between 0 and 59, or (2) in a CEESECS call, the value in the MI (minutes) field did not contain a number between 0 and 59.

Programmer response: For CEEISEC, verify that the minutes parameter contains an integer between 0 and 59. For CEESECS, verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification, and that the minutes field contains a number between 0 and 59.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EK


The month value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.

Explanation: (1) In a CEEISEC call, the month parameter (input_month) did not contain a number between 1 and 12, or (2) in a CEEDAYS or CEESECS call, the value in the MM field did not contain a number between 1 and 12, or the value in the MMM, MMMM, etc. field did not contain a correctly spelled month name or month abbreviation in the currently active National Language.

Programmer response: For CEEISEC, verify that the month parameter contains an integer between 1 and 12. For CEEDAYS and CEESECS, verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification. For the MM field, verify that the input value is between 1 and 12. For spelled-out month names (MMM, MMMM, etc.), verify that the spelling or abbreviation of the month name is correct in the currently active National Language.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EL


An invalid picture string was specified in a call to a date/time service.

Explanation: The picture string supplied in a call to one of the date/time services was invalid. Only one era character string can be specified.

Programmer response: Verify that the picture string contains valid data. If the picture string contains more than one era descriptor, such as both <JJJJ> and <CCCC>, then change the picture string to use only one era.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EM


The seconds value in a CEEISEC call was not recognized.

Explanation: (1) In a CEEISEC call, the seconds parameter (input_seconds) did not contain a number between 0 and 59, or (2) in a CEESECS call, the value in the SS (seconds) field did not contain a number between 0 and 59.

Programmer response: For CEEISEC, verify that the seconds parameter contains an integer between 0 and 59. For CEESECS, verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification, and that the seconds field contains a number between 0 and 59.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EN


CEEDAYS detected nonnumeric data in a numeric field, or the date string did not match the picture string.

Explanation: The input value passed in a CEEDAYS call did not appear to be in the format described by the picture specification, for example, nonnumeric characters appear where only numeric characters are expected.

Programmer response: Verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification and that numeric fields contain only numeric data.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EO


The <JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC> year-within-era value passed to CEEDAYS or CEESECS was zero.

Explanation: In a CEEDAYS or CEESECS call, if the YY or ZYY picture token is specified, and if the picture string contains one of the era tokens such as <CCCC> or <JJJJ>, then the year value must be greater than or equal to 1 and must be a valid year value for the era. In this context, the YY or ZYY field means year within era.

Programmer response: Verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification and that the input data is valid.

System action: The output value is set to 0.


An era (<JJJJ>, <CCCC>, or <CCCCCCCC>) was used in a picture string passed to CEEDATE, but the Lilian date value was not within the supported range. The era could not be determined.

Explanation: In a CEEDATE call, the picture string indicates that the Lilian date is to be converted to an era, but the Lilian date lies outside the range of supported eras.

Programmer response: Verify that the input value contains a valid Lilian day number within the range of supported eras.

System action: The output value is set to blanks.


CEESECS detected nonnumeric data in a numeric field, or the time-stamp string did not match the picture string.

Explanation: The input value passed in a CEESECS call did not appear to be in the format described by the picture specification. For example, nonnumeric characters appear where only numeric characters are expected, or the a.m./p.m. field (AP, A.P., etc.) did not contain the strings 'AM' or 'PM'.

Programmer response: Verify that the format of the input data matches the picture string specification and that numeric fields contain only numeric data.

System action: The output value is set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2ET


The date string returned by CEEDATE was truncated.

Explanation: In a CEEDATE call, the output string was not large enough to contain the formatted date value.

Programmer response: Verify that the output string data item is large enough to contain the entire formatted date. Ensure that the output parameter is at least as long as the picture string parameter.

System action: The output value is truncated to the length of the output parameter.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EU


The time-stamp string returned by CEEDATM was truncated.

Explanation: In a CEEDATM call, the output string was not large enough to contain the formatted time-stamp value.

Programmer response: Verify that the output string data item is large enough to contain the entire formatted time stamp. Ensure that the output parameter is at least as long as the picture string parameter.

System action: The output value is truncated to the length of the output parameter.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2EV


The local time was not available from the system.

Explanation: A call to CEELOCT failed because the system clock was in an invalid state. The current time cannot be determined.

Programmer response: Notify systems support personnel that the system clock is in an invalid state.

System action: All output values are set to 0.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2F3


The value passed to CEESCEN was not between 0 and 100.

Explanation: The century_start value passed in a CEESCEN call was not between 0 and 100, inclusive.

Programmer response: Ensure that the input parameter is within range.

System action: No system action is taken; the 100-year window assumed for all two-digit years is unchanged.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2F5


Insufficient field width was specified for a month or weekday name in a call to CEEDATE or CEEDATM. Output set to blanks.

Explanation: The CEEDATE or CEEDATM callable services issues this message whenever the picture string contained MMM, MMMMMZ, WWW, Wwww, etc., requesting a spelled out month name or weekday name, and the month name currently being formatted contained more characters than can fit in the indicated field.

Programmer response: Increase the field width by specifying enough Ms or Ws to contain the longest month or weekday name being formatted.

System action: The month name and weekday name fields that are of insufficient width are set to blanks. The rest of the output string is unaffected. Processing continues.

Symbolic feedback code: CEE2F6