The ars.ini file contains information about Content Manager OnDemand instances. Review the files to determine that the parameters specify information that is correct for your Content Manager OnDemand system
A Content Manager OnDemand instance is a logical server environment made up of a database, a library server, and one or more object servers. An instance is defined in the ars.ini file by naming the instance, identifying the name of the database used by the instance, and identifying the library server on which the database will be maintained. An instance has its own cache storage file systems. The cache storage file systems are defined in the ars.cache file on each object server.
that the parameters in the ars.ini file specify
information that is correct for your Content Manager OnDemand system. To verify the file,
log on as the super user or as any user set up with appropriate permissions.
Change to the /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/config directory.
Use a standard text editor to modify the file.