IBM Content Manager OnDemand, Version 9.5

Loading data

You can use the ARSLOAD program to load data into Content Manager OnDemand. If you are using Content Manager OnDemand for i, you can load data using ARSLOAD, or you can use the STRMONOND or ADDRPTOND commands.

Loading data by using ARSLOAD program

If the input data needs to be indexed, ARSLOAD will call the appropriate indexing program (based on the type of input data or, for the Generic indexer, the presence of a valid parameter file). For example, ARSLOAD can invoke the Generic indexer to process the parameter file and generate the index data. ARSLOAD can then add the index information to the database and load the input files or documents specified in the parameter file on to storage volumes.

There are two ways to run ARSLOAD:
Daemon mode
The ARSLOAD program runs as a daemon (UNIX and IBM® i servers) or service (Windows servers) to periodically check a specified directory for input files to process. When running ARSLOAD in daemon mode, a dummy file with the file type extension of .ARD is required to initiate a load process. In addition, the Generic indexer parameter file (.IND) must be located in the specified directory. The GROUP_FILENAME: parameter in the .IND file specifies the full path name of the actual input file to be processed.
Manual mode
ARSLOAD is run from the command line (qshell on IBM i) to process a specific file. When running ARSLOAD in manual mode, specify only the name of the file to process. ARSLOAD adds the .IND file name extension to the name that you specify. For example, if you specify arsload ... po3510, where po3510 is the name of the input file, ARSLOAD processes the po3510.ind Generic indexer parameter file. The GROUP_FILENAME: parameter in the Generic indexer parameter file specifies the full path name of the actual input file to be processed.

After successfully loading the data, the system deletes the input file that is specified on the GROUP_FILENAME: parameter if the file name extension is .OUT, and for daemon mode processing, the rest of the input file name is the same as the .ARD file name. The system also deletes the .IND file (the Generic indexer parameter file) and the .ARD file (the dummy file that is used to initiate a load process when ARSLOAD is running in daemon mode).

The following shows an example of file names in daemon processing mode:
The MVS.JOBNAME.DATASET.FORM.YYYYDDD.HHMMSST.ARD file is the dummy file that triggers a load process in daemon mode. The MVS.JOBNAME.DATASET.FORM.YYYYDDD.HHMMSST.ARD.IND file is the Generic indexer parameter file, and contains a GROUP_FILENAME: parameter that specifies the input file to process: MVS.JOBNAME.DATASET.FORM.YYYYDDD.HHMMSST.ARD.OUT. After successfully loading the data, the system deletes all three files.
The following information applies to OnDemand for i.

Loading data by using the STRMONOND or ADDRPTOND commands

There are two ways to run the STRMONOND command:
  • STRMONOND with TYPE(*DIR) parameter specified. The STRMONOND command runs as a monitor to periodically check a specified directory for input files to process. When running the STRMONOND command with TYPE(*DIR), the Generic indexer parameter file (.IND) is required to initiate a load process. The GROUP_FILENAME: parameter in the .IND file specifies the full path name of the actual input file to be processed.
  • STRMONOND with TYPE(*DIR2) parameter specified. The STRMONOND command runs as a monitor to periodically check a specified directory for input files to process. When running the STRMONOND command with TYPE(*DIR2), a dummy file with the file type extension of .ARD is required to initiate a load process. In addition, the Generic indexer parameter file (.IND) must be located in the specified directory. The GROUP_FILENAME: parameter in the .IND file specifies the full path name of the actual input file to be processed. This is similar to running the ARSLOAD program in daemon mode.
There is one way to run the ADDRPTOND command:
  • ADDRPTOND. The ADDRPTOND command is run from the command line to process a specific file. When running the ADDRPTOND command, you specify INPUT(*STMF) and provide the name of the .IND file to process in the Stream file (STMF) parameter (omitting the .IND file extension). The ADDRPTOND command adds the .IND file name extension to the name that you specify. For example, if you specify STMF(po3510), where po3510 is the name of the input file, the ADDRPTOND command looks for and processes the po3510.ind Generic indexer parameter file. The GROUP_FILENAME: parameter in the Generic indexer parameter file specifies the full path name of the actual input file to be processed. This is similar to running the ARSLOAD program in manual mode.

When the data is successfully loaded, both STRMONOND and ADDRPTOND can optionally delete the input file that is specified on the GROUP_FILENAME: parameter if the Delete processed file (DLTSPLF) or Delete input (DLTINPUT) parameters are set to *YES. For the input file to be deleted, the input file must be located in the same directory as the file that triggered the loading of the data, and the file extension must be .OUT. The system also deletes the .IND file (the Generic indexer parameter file) and the .ARD file (the dummy file that is used to initiate a load process in some cases) if the DLTSPLF or DLTINPUT parameter is set to *YES.

Example of file names for STRMONOND TYPE(*DIR):
The po3510.IND file is the input file that triggers a load process for STRMONOND TYPE(*DIR). The po3510.IND file is the Generic indexer parameter file, and contains a GROUP_FILENAME: parameter that specifies the input po3510.OUT file to process. When the data is successfully loaded, the system deletes both files.
Example of file names for STRMONOND TYPE(*DIR2):
The po3510.ARD file is the dummy file that triggers a load process for STRMONOND TYPE(*DIR2). The po3510.ARD.IND file is the Generic indexer parameter file, and contains a GROUP_FILENAME: parameter that specifies the input file to process, which is po3510.ARD.OUT. When the data is successfully loaded, the system deletes all three files.

The following information applies to OnDemand for i. IBM i systems: If you plan to automate the data indexing and loading process on the Content Manager OnDemand server, either the input file name, specific parameters on the command used to load the data, or a monitor user exit program must identify the application group and application to load. The .IND file name extension (for STRMONOND *DIR processing) or the .ARD file name extension (for STRMONOND *DIR2 or ARSLOAD daemon processing) is required to initiate a load process. The case (uppercase or lowercase) of the extension (.ARD or .IND) is ignored. Application group and application names are case sensitive. Application group and application names might include special characters such as the blank character when using ADDRPTOND or ARSLOAD with a specific application group and application name provided. However, STRMONOND and ARSLOAD when using the MVS naming convention (-A and -G parameters) do not support archiving files that have spaces in the file name. See the IBM Content Manager Content Manager OnDemand for i: Common Server Administration Guide for more information about using the STRMONOND and ADDRPTOND commands and the ARSLOAD API to load data into Content Manager OnDemand.