IVP task: Capturing report ARSIVPR3 – Baxter Bay Bank Statements (ACIF sample)


To capture report ARSIVPR3 – Baxter Bay Bank Statements (ACIF sample), perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the JCL member ARSIVPJ3 from the SARSINST data set to a local data set.
  2. Add a JOB card.
  3. Change the SET statements ARS, DB2 and ACIF to match local naming conventions.
  4. Change <password> in the EXEC PARM to match the ADMIN password.
  5. If ACIF uses a data set naming convention other then ACIF.V4R3M0, change the application ARSIVPR3 indexing parameters.
    1. Start the OnDemand Administrator client.
    2. Right-click the server that is used for the IVP.
    3. Click Logon.
    4. Enter user ID ADMIN and the ADMIN password in the Logon panel and click OK.
    5. In the left pane, right-click Applications.
    6. From the list of applications in the right frame, click application ARSIVPR3.
    7. Select Update.
    8. Click Indexer Information.
    9. In the Parameter Source area, select Keyboard and then select Modify.
    10. Change the ACIF.V4R5M0.SAPKULIB value for USERLIB= to match local naming conventions.
    11. Click the X in the Edit index parameters window.
    12. Select Yes in response to the Save changes to Indexer parameters? message.
    13. Select OK to complete the update.
  6. Submit the ARSIVPJ3 job.
    The ARSIVPJ3 job completes with the following messages:
    2014-08-26 10:01:54.116159: ARS1144I OnDemand Load Id = >34796-0-0-1FAA-20140826170154-20140826170154-34797<
    2014-08-26 10:01:55.261672: ARS1146I Loaded 8 rows into the database
    2014-08-26 10:01:55.266556: ARS1405I The data that was loaded was not a part of a distribution in ODF.                              
    2014-08-26 10:01:55.266595: ARS1175I Document compression type used - OD77.  Bytes Stored = >18204< Rows = >8<                      
    2014-08-26 10:01:55.266614: ARS4310I Loading completed 
    2014-08-26 10:01:55.269276: ARS4317I Processing successful for file >/ars/tmp//tempname (DD:OBJINPT-APK.V4R5M0.SAPKSAM3(APKBANK))<
    The message you see might vary somewhat from this example.
  7. Start the OnDemand Client, log on and select ARSIVPR3 from the list of folders.
  8. Use the default search options to select Search.
  9. Select and view one or more documents from the hit list.
    Press F3 to exit from each view.
  10. After reviewing several documents, select Close folder to return to the folder list.
  11. Select Cancel to exit the list, then select File > Exit OnDemand to close the client.