Troubleshooting scenario 5: PDF displays blank pages when you view a large document

When you view PDF documents, pages that should contain text are blank. You might also receive the message An unrecognized token token_name was found.
Possible causes
This error occurs when an object in the PDF document is incomplete, or when an object is missing a key element. Frequently, the error occurs when the Web server does not download enough of the object to make it usable.
In Adobe Acrobat, disable the Allow fast web view and Allow speculative downloading in the background options:
  1. In Adobe Acrobat, select Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select Internet from the left navigation pane.
  3. Clear the check boxes Allow fast web view and Allow speculative downloading in the background.
  4. Click OK.
If you disable these options, you might notice that Adobe Acrobat displays documents more slowly than before. If you do not view large PDF documents frequently, leave these options selected.