Troubleshooting scenario 4: Errors occurred while trying to review a PDF document

You have Acrobat Version 6 or later installed. However, you receive the message Unable to Initialize Document or Failure to Initialize Document while trying to view a PDF document from the Content Manager OnDemand client.
Possible causes
These messages indicate that the client was not able to start the Adobe Acrobat PDF reader. When Acrobat Version 6 or later is installed on a system, the most common cause for these errors is an incorrect value for a particular key in the Windows registry.
With Windows Notepad or a similar ASCII editor, create a .reg file with the following two lines:
@="C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 6.0\\Acrobat\\Acrobat.exe,1"
Remember: Change Acrobat 6.0 with the currently installed version of Acrobat on your system.
If Adobe Version 6 is installed in a directory other than the path shown above, modify the .reg file to use the correct path to the Adobe files. Save the .reg file and double-click it to merge this particular key or value into the Windows Registry. Restart the Content Manager OnDemand client.