List of tables
- Application group table (ARSAG)
- Application group to folder field mapping table (ARSAG2FOL)
- Application group field table (ARSAGFLD)
- Application group field alias table (ARSAGFLDALIAS)
- Application group composite index table (ARSAGINDEX)
- Application group permissions table (ARSAGPERMS)
- Annotation table (ARSANN)
- Application table (ARSAPP)
- User logical views table (ARSAPPUSR)
- Cabinet table (ARSCAB)
- Cabinet to folder mapping table (ARSCAB2FOL)
- Cabinet permissions table (ARSCABPERMS)
- Folder table (ARSFOL)
- Folder field table (ARSFOLFLD)
- Folder user fields table (ARSFOLFLDUSR)
- Folder permissions table (ARSFOLPERMS)
- FTI work table (ARSFTIWORK)
- Group table (ARSGROUP)
- Hold table (ARSHOLD)
- Hold mapping table (ARSHOLDMAP)
- Hold permissions table (ARSHOLDPERMS)
- Hold work table (ARSHOLDWORK)
- Load table (ARSLOAD)
- Load work table (ARSLOADWORK)
- Named query table (ARSNAMEQ)
- Node table (ARSNODE)
- Printer table (ARSPRT)
- Printer options table (ARSPRTOPTS)
- Printer user table (ARSPRTUSR)
- Resources table (ARSRES)
- Segment table (ARSSEG)
- Storage set table (ARSSET)
- System parameters table (ARSSYS)
- User table (ARSUSER)
- Users in groups table (ARSUSRGRP)
- User group ID table (ARSUSRGRPID)
- Application group data table