Folder table (ARSFOL)

This table maintains a catalog of folders.

Table 1. Folder table (ARSFOL)
Column Name Data Type Description
name VARCHAR(60) Folder name
description VARCHAR(120) Folder description
fid INTEGER Folder identifier
ann_search CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2®), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Annotation display
upd_userid VARCHAR(128) Userid of last user to update folder
upd_date BIGINT Date and time folder was last updated (in old style)
upd_dt TIMESTAMP (Db2, Oracle), DATETIME2(6) (SQL Server) Date and time folder was last updated
Table 2. Indexes for folder table (ARSFOL)
Index name Columns in index Type of index
arsfol_name_idx name Unique index
arsfol_fid_idx fid Unique cluster index for Db2; Unique index for Oracle and SQL Server