Application table (ARSAPP)

This table maintains a catalog of applications.

Table 1. Application table (ARSAPP)
Column Name Data Type Description
name VARCHAR(60) Application name
description VARCHAR(120) Application description
agid INTEGER Application group identifier
aid INTEGER Application identifier
doc_type CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2®), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Document type
doc_comp_type CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Default document compression type
res_comp_type CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Default resource compression type
idx_type CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Indexer
comp_obj_size INTEGER Compressed object size
pid INTEGER Default printer identifier
alias VARCHAR(254) Application identifier within application group
fixed_view CLOB(32700) (Db2), VARCHAR(MAX) (SQL Server), CLOB (Oracle) Default and fixed logical view information
indexer CLOB(32700) (Db2), VARCHAR(MAX) (SQL Server), CLOB (Oracle) Indexing parameters
preprocessor CLOB(32700) (Db2), VARCHAR(MAX) (SQL Server), CLOB (Oracle) Parameters used to preprocess rows before loading
upd_userid VARCHAR(128) Userid of last user to update application
upd_date BIGINT Date and time application was last updated (in old style)
db_exp_date INTEGER Expiration date
appl_type INTEGER Application type
upd_dt TIMESTAMP (Db2, Oracle), DATETIME2(6) (SQL Server) Date and time application was last updated
Table 2. Indexes for application table (ARSAPP)
Index name Columns in index Type of index
arsapp_idx agid, aid, name Unique cluster index for Db2; Unique index for Oracle and SQL Server
arsapp_name_idx name Unique index