Application group field table (ARSAGFLD)

This table maintains a catalog of application group fields.

Table 1. Application group field table (ARSAGFLD)
Column Name Data Type Description
agid INTEGER Application group identifier
field SMALLINT Application group field identifier
name VARCHAR(18) Application group field name
type CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2®), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Application group field type
qual CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Application group field type qualifier
mask INTEGER Application group field mask
string_type CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Type of string field
string_len SMALLINT Length of string field
string_case CHAR(1) FOR BIT DATA (Db2), BINARY(1) (SQL Server), RAW(1) (Oracle) Case of string field
leading VARCHAR(8) Leading characters to trim from string field
strip VARCHAR(8) Any characters to trim from string field
trailing VARCHAR(8) Trailing characters to trim from string field
map_field SMALLINT Map field
Table 2. Indexes for application group field table (ARSAGFLD)
Index name Columns in index Type of index
arsagfld_idx agid, field Unique cluster index for Db2; Unique index for Oracle and SQL Server